Hi all

On 08/07/2022 03:05, Šarūnas wrote:
On 07/07/2022 03.36, Michael Staats wrote:
In short: Flickr is ignoring the exif data for Samsung-NX pictures,
while it works fine for Pentax K-*.

Turned out only NX3000 files were affected. NX500 works fine.
[ ... ]

I'm not sure if images already imported to Flickr are representative of
originals in terms of metadata.

One will get better info by comparing darktable-exported images directly
with exiftool or exiv2.

Yes, more investigation including exiv2 and exiftool helped.

- Out of NX3000 camera .JPG: No prob.
- Darktable developed jpg.: flickr ignored exif, exiftool was missing
exif attributes, although exiv2 did work.
- Out of NX3000 camera raw (*.SRW): exiftool was missing exif
attributes, although exiv2 did work (so it was *not* a darktable issue)

Now flickr seems to use exiftool or similar. I found the root cause by
taking exiv2 warnings serious (yeah, I know, crazy...).

$ exiv2 yyy.SRW > /dev/null
Warning: Directory Photo, entry 0x0000 has unknown Exif (TIFF) type 0;
setting type size 1.
Warning: Directory Image, entry 0x0000 has unknown Exif (TIFF) type 0;
setting type size 1.

Ok, after printing the unknowns tags with "exiv2 -u", and reading the
manual (crazy days...), I found that

$ exiv2 -M'del Exif.Photo.0x0000' -M 'del Exif.Image.0x0000' yyy.SRW

fixed the issue. Imported the yyy.SRW into darktable, developed, checked
with exiftool, uploaded to flickr, all fine.

So Samsung is creating faulty exif data in their NX3000 raw files. Took
some time, but was fun ;-)

Will now write a quick script to apply the fix only to NX3000 raw files
that have not been repaired yet (to avoid modifying too many files, or
too often).

Best regards,

Michael Staats

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