Le 24/02/2024 à 09:53, tony Hamilton a écrit :
On 23/02/2024 23:14, Florian Heer wrote:
On 23/02/2024 21:28, Jean-Luc wrote:
Le 20/02/2024 à 11:25, tony Hamilton a écrit :
I'm building dt 4.6.1 following the build procedure in the READMe.MD file on
github as accurately as I am able to - that is I am following every command
line instruction/example given. I'm running Mint 21.3, up to date as of this


Don't forget, after compiling, to update lenfun - otherwise some cameras might be missing.

sudo apt update liblensfun-bin

My D4s had vanished once more, this made it come back.



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