On 01/10/2016 01:27, I. Ivanov wrote:
> So... I read the manual (with a big delay) and it is clear that the
> dual function of "1" is by design....
> https://www.darktable.org/usermanual/ch02s02s04.html.php
> Would you guys consider an option in the future that would allow 1 to
> only add one star but not remove it? If it is not too big of a request?
> I can see that many would appreciate the behavior as it is now. It
> would be nice to have such an option however....then users can just
> change the option to fit their needs.
> If nobody ever requested this and you don't think it is a good idea -
> then it is ok. I will simply change my workflow. You have done a
> marvelous job with the software already.
> Regards,
> B
I quote Ivanov. The behaviour of 1-key could be confusing and error prone.
An example when it fails: let's say I have multiple pictures selected.
some starred 1 and other starred 0. When I press 1 the rating is reverted :(

The colour tag works different. When multiple picture are seleted, first
key set color tag to all selected images (does not erase already selected).
Next key will erase all colour tags.

I think the best is to have coherence, and latter example (tag colour)
is what I prefer.

just my2c

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