Hi All,

I've created an application where we can compare PMGSY and OSM rural
Habitations data:

Right-click on the map to load all habitations for that area (what they
call Block).
If you scroll below the first table, You'll find an OSM button - click it
to fetch rural places from OSM.
The app will pull those from overpass, then compare with the Habitations
data to show nearby and far OSM places.

There's also a feedback layer built : You can submit feedback for a PMGSY
Habitation or an OSM place.
(Input side is ready; output side still work to do)
You can copy the browser URL for a permalink - can share it with others and
they'll land exactly where you are.
(habitations in a lake?)

There is an "Edit in OSM" button below the map - clicking that will open up
main website OSM Editor, with the block's boundary loaded as guide so that
you can map.

There's more we can do with this - one idea is to make this a place where
we can link up PMGSY and OSM ids and have feedback flow both ways.
Another is to vet the data and filter out the Habitations that are suitable
candidates for a bulk import into OSM.
Scope for integrations too - for example, I just included a cool SOI
maps background published by https://ramseraph.github.io/opendata/maps/SOI/

Inviting inputs and collaborations. And the bottom of the application page
has a way to contributie if you'd like to support this and such projects.

API doc: https://server.nikhilvj.co.in/pmgsy/docs
Source code: https://github.com/answerquest/pmgsy_osm_comparison
Tech stack: Backend: Python3 FastAPI
DB: PostGreSQL, same one as in

I've also run an analysis on every state > district > block and created a
stats CSV which gives numbers of habitations, OSM places, near/far breakup
etc. You'll find it in the repo.
This project is a work in progress, so if you're reading this a week or
month later, things may have changed.

More Screenshots:

Nikhil VJ

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