[datameet] Re: Data Scrapping from e-courts website

2020-11-13 Thread Apoorv Anand
Hey Lovish, I work with CivicDataLab and we have been assisting a few NGOs on working with data from eCourts. It is definitely possible. Can you share your requirements (acts/sections/districts/type of cases/variables required, etc) with me over an email , if

[datameet] Zombie Tracker launch | 66A data platform | e-Courts

2021-01-15 Thread Apoorv Anand
e9ce480579efd1481a7fcae1?ct=YTo1OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7YToyOntpOjA7czo1OiJlbWFpbCI7aToxO2k6MTE2O31zOjU6ImVtYWlsIjtpOjExNjtzOjQ6InN0YXQiO3M6MjI6IjVmZjgzMzQ3ODBlNjczNzA1OTQ3OTEiO3M6NDoibGVhZCI7czo1OiI1NjA1OSI7czo3OiJjaGFubmVsIjthOjE6e3M6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6MTE2O319;> for the event and we will reach out to you with further details. See you soon! Warm Regards, Apoorv Anand On behalf of Team CivicDataLab <http://civicdatalab.in/> -- Datameet is a community of Data Science enthu