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Name: Marko Hrastovec
Subject: Unaccessible pages and documents


I have a question regarding searching different parts of web page. I have a 
site where not all pages are accessible to all users. We have groups of users 
which can see different private pages. there are also public pages visible for 

I can make indexer to crawl through all pages. I can also put some special 
strings in meta tags to diferentiate private pages.
How can I set parameters for dpsearch to return results only from pages that 
are allowed for specific user. We are calling cgi-bin program from PHP and 
deliver results within a PHP page.

We also have documents (doc, pdf,...) which are served through PHP script. That 
PHP script controls accessibility of the documents for user groups. Is it 
possible to set some HTTP headers in that PHP script that would dpindexer would 
differentiate between documents for different user groups?

User groups are not fixed so it is not desirable to put some specific 
informations about groups into config files.

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Read the full topic here:
