On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Matt Sisk wrote:

> I understand why you have to deal with the ambiguity, but I still really
> wish there were an easer way to get a rough shot at this value when
> absolute precision is not required.

The problem is I'd like to be able to get the number of seconds a duration
represents when it's not an abstract duration, i.e. when the length of all
the days was originally known.

  use DateTime;

  my $london_pm_social = DateTime->new(
    hour  => 19,
    day   => 4,
    month => 3,
    year  => 2004,

  my $now = DateTime->now();

  my $diff = $social-$now;
  print $diff->total_seconds;  # or some other method name


#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
print q{Mark Fowler, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://twoshortplanks.com/};

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