Randy J. Ray schreef:
> In fact, since I'm really just after the short names for the sake of
> pretty-printing dates for end-users who aren't impressed by "-08:00"
> where they'd expect "PDT", I can use any of the matching zones. It
> just seems a waste to have to iterate over the whole set to get the
> ones that match a specific offset.

Bad example, as -8:00 is not PDT. PDT is -7:00, but so is MST. Even at 
the same time, as some regions of the US don't observe summer time.

And that even ignores the rest of the world; for example, at this time
of year, -4:00 is known as AST, AMT, GYT, and BOT.

The only way in which you can ever do something like this is to restrict
yourself explicitly to a few timezones, in which case it isn't too hard
to iterate over them:

my $dt = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime( '20080701T000000-0400' );

print map  { $_->short_name_for_datetime($dt) }
      grep { $_->offset_for_datetime($dt) == $dt->offset }
      map  { DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => $_) }


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