I'm getting a failing test on line 318 of t/09changes.t in DateTime::TimeZone; 
the line is:

        like( $@, qr/Invalid local time .+/, 'exception for invalid time 
produced via add' );

and $@ is not being set to anything.

This is with DateTime 0.2901; it doesn't seem to fail with 0.28.

The DateTime 0.29 changelog was:


- When adding/subtraction a duration with months or days that crossed
a DST change, the result was based on the local time, not the UTC
time.  For consistent results, it is necessary to use the UTC time for
all date math.  Reported by J. Alexander Docauer.

So I bet that this is related :)

(For that matter, I'm seeing massive test failures in t/15time_zone.t in 
DateTime::Set, which I'm thinking might be related.)

  Code Monkey, Best Practical Solutions
David Glasser | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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