At YAPC::Europe 2013 I gave a talk about API design
principles, illustrated using DateTime as an example of a
popular module that causes pain by bad design.  In places
I contrasted it with the much better design of the new time
library being standardised in the Java world, known as JSR-310
One of the questions I got at the end of the talk was what we should use
instead of DateTime, and I answered that we don't have well-designed
modules covering all of its jobs, and I'd rather like to see someone
implement JSR-310 for Perl.

If anyone is motivated to port JSR-310, please mention it on this mailing
list, to avoid duplication of effort and so on.  Note that there's a
public reference implementation, under the BSD licence.  It'd probably
also be worth communicating with Stephen Colebourne, the lead on the
JSR-310 project, for insight into the design.


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