Shortly available from all good CPAN mirrors:

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/Z/ZE/ZEFRAM/Time-OlsonTZ-Data-0.201203.tar.gz
  size: 583082 bytes
   md5: 83fba384d3de2f3b763ed4870223e1dd

Changes from the previous release:

  * Olson database version 2012c (code 2012b, data 2012c): 440 canonical
    zones, 142 links

  * include Olson database source, and prebuild code to generate data
    files, in distribution

  * load File::Spec and Carp lazily

  * build metadata structures lazily, with country selection data in a
    separate file

  * add App::olson to "see also" list


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