Re: new DateTime::Format module

2008-07-29 Thread Dan Muey
Thanks again for the feedback. I appreciate the ideas very much and  
look forward to working with everyone on this a bit.

Here are the issues that need addressed as I see them, I'd love to  
hear your thoughts as well:

As far as locale data goes, it'd seem to make the most sense to put  
all the common CLDR in DateTime::Locale, its central, it standard.

There still needs to be a recommended Localization procedure for  
DateTime::Format based modules because

   a) its being done inconsistently
   b) not all things will be able to use CLDR only.

An example of those are DateTime::Format::Human which uses an internal  
hash of the data with ISO code's as keys (except the funny ones are  
not prefixed w/ i-) , DateTime::Format::Baby which also uses a hash  
but uses the long-english version of the language as the key (IE  

What I think would be ideal is:
   - DateTime::Locale has all date time related info scraped from CLDR
   - if a module needs localization it uses everything you can from  
   - if the available data is not fully sufficient for the goal of  
the module then a ::Locale subclass that has a method to get the data  
and/or logic from Locale::en, Locale::fr, etc

What I am attempting is a single format only. One that requires no  
logic from the programmer to determine the language to use or the  
details of the format.

The way my module does this is it determines the locale based on the  
DT based objects involved and/or arguments. Tries to load  
it's ::Locale::XX and use the data/logic from there for that and  
future requests (from specific to generic E.g en_us, then en).

In this case CLDR would be very reusable there with the names  
involved, probably 'and' and the oxford comma. There is still no  
facility for saying 'no time difference' and the logic is still forced  
to be english centric in the single/plural senses (what about dual  
tenses?) and in the structure of the phrase (hence the locale method  
to do the logic anyway they need to)

That is why CLDR is defintley a good idea but won't be a 'Universal  
Catchall' since logic is involved and hence the ::Locale subclass  
idea. The logic for determining the locale that should be used can  
easily be (and was originally but I decided to wait and see how it'd  
fit into the DateTime project's Locale setup first)

As far as DateTime::Format::Duration goes it would seem to me to be  
exactly what it is: a strftime type method for durations. It processes  
any given format. Period,its perfect, don't mess with that.

Besides it'd be difficult and not really fit anyway to make it  
generate those formats for you because there are all sorts you might  

 1 day, 3 hours, and 37 seconds (what mine does)
 4 score and 7 years
 hour and a half
 little over a year
 few months
 month of sundays
 pretty soon


plus locale wise you have to consider:
  singular, dual, plural, maybe even zeroth
  past present and future tenses
  perfect imperfect aspects
  etc etc

In summary, it would be awesome to fetch from DateTime::Locale what  
you can but also have a consistent way to encapsulate locale info/ 
logic very specific to the format a given module is going for.

All of that said, I'm more than happy to work with Dave or Rick or  
anyone on any modules to get it so it all fits together nicely, let me  

Perhaps DateTime::Format::Duration::TYPE should be what work with a  
specific format type and any locale data/logic not in DateTime::Locale  
can be in DateTime::Format::Duration::TYPE::Locale[::XX] ?

In the meantime, we work at getting DateTIme::Locale to hold all the  
datetime related data from CLDR ?

What do you think?

On Jul 28, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Rick Measham wrote:

Dave Rolsky wrote:
This all seems like it could go into DT::F::Duration though, just  
with different strftime-type specifiers (or CLDR, or whatever).

Absolutely it could and should. %c and %x and %X would be the  
obvious first candidates along with the alternate %{...} format for  
other CLDR formats.

Dan, please consider working at extending DateTime::Locale to  
include the duration formats and then working at helping me to  
extend DateTime::Format::Duration to make use of that data.

Alternately, once CLDR duration locales are imported into  
DateTime::Locale, write a module named something like  
DateTime::Format::Duration::Locale that makes use of the data.

The normalisation functions in DateTime::Format::Duration give it  
its real power so I would suggest you wrap the _as_deltas methods in  
whatever you decide to do.

Rick Measham
Message  protected for iSite by MailGuard: e-mail anti-virus, anti- 
spam and content filtering.

Re: new DateTime::Format module

2008-07-28 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Mon, 28 Jul 2008, Dan Muey wrote:

Thanks for the feedback, I've replied inline below. Please let me know if you 
have any other questions or suggestions.

On Jul 27, 2008, at 4:12 PM, Dave Rolsky wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008, Flavio S. Glock wrote:


This module seems to handle durations, instead of spans.

A duration is span of time no? This module uses 'span' to mean 'the duration 
of time spanning 2 points in time' (plus ::Duration was taken)

Right, the confusion is that there is a DateTime::Span class, and I'd 
expect DateTime::Format::Span to take an object of that class and format 

However, your module only operates on durations. Even more confusingly, it 
offers a format_duration method which only accepts a single duration, 
which is _not_ a span.

This really is not a good name for your module, because of this reason.

The real difference is that it is simply not how a human would say it.

For example from ::Duration's POD regarding its output:
3 years, 5 months, 1 days, 6 hours, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
For English:
   a) '1 days' should be '1 day'
   b) 45 seconds should be 'and 45 seconds' (keeping the oxford comma)

In my original draft I sent to Dave, when it was not under DateTime::Format 
like it should have been, I had this in an FAQ, I should probably add it 

Why didn't you just use 'DateTime::Format::Duration'

Essencially it is a strftime for a Duration. This is not flexible enough for 
the intent of this module.

DateTime::Format::Duration is not a bad module its just for a different 

It was not localizable
You either got '2 days' or '1 days' which a) forces it to be in English and 
b) doesn't even make sense in English.

You could get around that by adding logic each time you wanted to call it but 
that is just messy.

Had to keep an item even if it was zero
If 'days' was in there you got '0 days', we only want items with a value to 

That'd also require a lot of logic each time you wanted to call which is 
again messy.

This all seems like it could go into DT::F::Duration though, just with 
different strftime-type specifiers (or CLDR, or whatever).

As far as localization, I'd prefer to see locale-specific data as part of 
the DateTime::Locale module itself. In fact, CLDR 1.6 does include a bunch 
of stuff for formatting spans in a locale-specific way. I haven't 
integrated that into DT::Locale yet, because I want to figure out how to 
actually use it.

That'd be great! The way I did this for now was that ::Span::Locale 
determined what locale to use based on the datetime object's and/or args then 
loads Span::Locale::XX if possible and uses the data it defines.

Some of the information you define in the locale modules does exist in 
CLDR, notably singular versions of things like day, month, etc.

CLDR also includes formats for doing things like formatting a span based 
on the greatest unit of differnece between two dates. It's rather 
complicated, so I haven't implemented it yet. Basically, it lets you 
format something intelligently so you get Jan 10-12 vs Jan 10 - Feb 


Your guide to all that's veg

Re: new DateTime::Format module

2008-07-28 Thread Rick Measham

Dave Rolsky wrote:
This all seems like it could go into DT::F::Duration though, just with 
different strftime-type specifiers (or CLDR, or whatever).

Absolutely it could and should. %c and %x and %X would be the obvious 
first candidates along with the alternate %{...} format for other CLDR 

Dan, please consider working at extending DateTime::Locale to include 
the duration formats and then working at helping me to extend 
DateTime::Format::Duration to make use of that data.

Alternately, once CLDR duration locales are imported into 
DateTime::Locale, write a module named something like 
DateTime::Format::Duration::Locale that makes use of the data.

The normalisation functions in DateTime::Format::Duration give it its 
real power so I would suggest you wrap the _as_deltas methods in 
whatever you decide to do.

Rick Measham
Message  protected for iSite by MailGuard: e-mail anti-virus, anti-spam and 
content filtering.

new DateTime::Format module

2008-07-27 Thread Flavio S. Glock

This module seems to handle durations, instead of spans.
How about naming it DateTime::Format::Duration instead?

- Flavio S. Glock

Re: new DateTime::Format module

2008-07-27 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008, Flavio S. Glock wrote:


This module seems to handle durations, instead of spans.
How about naming it DateTime::Format::Duration instead?

Well, such a module already exists!

Daniel, Flavio raises a good point, though. What is the point of your 
module, and how is it different from DT::F::Duration?

As far as localization, I'd prefer to see locale-specific data as part of 
the DateTime::Locale module itself. In fact, CLDR 1.6 does include a bunch 
of stuff for formatting spans in a locale-specific way. I haven't 
integrated that into DT::Locale yet, because I want to figure out how to 
actually use it.


Your guide to all that's veg

New DateTime::Format::* module

2006-05-24 Thread Peter Conrey
I have written a new module that simply parses dates in several different
formats. The reason I have written this on is that every existing parser from
this project that I've tried has fallen short in one area or another,
particularly in parsing our most commonly used format, MM/dd/.

*   DateTime::Format::DateManip:
Try this from any location that recognizes Daylight Saving Time:

my $dt = DateTime::Format::DateManip-parse_datetime( 1/1/2006 );
$dt-truncate( to = 'day' );
print( $dt );

This is obviously incorrect, but there is not way that I know of to fix
it, because Date::Manip takes the local time zone and DST status into account,
even though it's not specified.

*   DateTime::Format::DateParse. Will not parse dates prior to 12/14/1901.
In some systems (Informix, particularly), the zero or epoch date is
12/31/1899.  Therefore this one will not work either.

*   None of the other parsers I've found will parse MM/DD/ format
(along with the many other formats).

Right now, I've called the module DateTime::Format::SimpleParser. If anyone
has a suggestion for a better name, I'm all ears. Also, what is the best way for
me to get this module to the community for use (I have no idea how to upload it
to CPAN, so if that's the best way, could someone point me in the right

Peter Conrey
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground

Re: New DateTime::Format::* module

2006-05-24 Thread Rick Measham

Peter Conrey wrote:

I have written a new module that simply parses dates in several different
formats. The reason I have written this on is that every existing parser from
this project that I've tried has fallen short in one area or another,
particularly in parsing our most commonly used format, MM/dd/.

I've some glue that I've called DateTime::Format::TimeParseDate that 
glues Time::ParseDate to DateTime. I love it because it normally 
does-what-you-mean to the point of understanding Yesterday at 2pm or 
Midnight next Wednesday.

I haven't released it because it isn't documented at all and I've not 
written any tests. I've attached it in case it helps.

Rick Measham
package DateTime::Format::TimeParseDate;

use strict;
use warnings;

use DateTime;
use Time::ParseDate qw//;
use Params::Validate qw/validate BOOLEAN/;

sub parse_datetime {
	my $class = shift;
	my $date  = shift;

	my %inarg = @_;
	my %arg;
	foreach ( keys %inarg ) {
		$arg{ uc( $_ ) } = $inarg{ $_ };

	my $epoch = Time::ParseDate::parsedate( $date, %arg );

	my $dt = DateTime-from_epoch(epoch = $epoch);

	if ($arg{TZ}) {
		$dt-set_time_zone( $arg{TZ} );
	return $dt;
#print STDERR Loaded DateTime::Format::TimeParseDate 0.0001_01;