
>On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 20:26:18, Jeff Graham wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to get the DSP working with both my TI AM/Dm3730
>> Module (part # TMDXEVM3730 purchased 6 months ago) and an Overo Fire
>> board, using c6Run and its examples.
>> Focusing just on the TI board, I have tried with the
>> 2.6.32-psp03.00.01.06 kernel (in the dvdsdk_dm3730-evm_4_01_00_09)
>> it segfaults. I have tried with a recent snapshot from here:
>> but it won't compile, complaining about mutex initializations.
>> I tried CodeSourcery 2009q1-203 (4.3.3) and a more recent 2010.09-50
>> (4.5.1)
>> I tried different versions of C6Run (0_95_02_02 and the dvd sdk
>> 0_94_05_06) and linux_utils (2_26_01_02 and 2_25_05_11).
>> I am frustrated because there are a confusing number of different
>> versions and places to find bits and pieces, but no one good COMPLETE
>> procedure that is known to actually work. Various kernels are
>> around and lots of different 'recipes' for doing pieces of things,
>> assumptions (and thus omissions) about what config file to use, how
>> allocate memory for the DMA, etc.
>> I am probably doing a lot of things wrong, but I just can't put the
>> entire puzzle together. I would very much appreciate such a complete
>> step-by-step process to download all the right versions of all the
>> pieces (kernel, boot loaders, tools, kernel config file scr files,
>> build a kernel (and whatever else is needed, bootloader) and make the
>> card, so that the DSP just works. I appreciate the complexity and
>> acknowledge my noobness.
>When you are just trying to get the basic stuff working, it is
>best to just use the TI provided software as-is.
>To find the latest TI software applicable to your platform:
>Visit -> part number search -> enter "DM3730" -> press "GO".
>You will come to a page which is usually known as the SoC 
>"product folder". Click "Software and Tools" on the right hand side.
>Click on the link for DVSDK. Click "Get Software" in the page that
>You will come to the DVSDK download page which along with the software
>downloads contains a "quick start guide" 
>If you have further questions on the DVSDK, it is best to post them
>on -> "Embedded Software" -> "Linux forum"

That is how I started and was also my best bet...using the pristine and
original dvsdk_dm_3730-evm_4_00_00_17 and its 2.6.32 kernel. I simply
wanted to use the c6run stuff but it would not compile. So, as you
suggest, I asked for help on the forum... see it here:

In that posting, it was suggested to try a newer version of c6run and a
completely new dvsdk version (I tried 4_01_00_09 and it had issues

I can spend a little more time to repeat what I have already tried since
nobody has pointed out anything obvious. I had asked and hoped for a
very detailed and complete steps for downloading, configuring and
compiling a new kernel (I need features from 2.6.38 kernel) and c6run
tools and/or new dvdsdk, and getting the DSP examples to work. I asked
for this so I don't simply repeat the same mistakes again.

After I get the DSP working on the TI dev board, then I can try to get
the DSP to work on my Overo Fire, which seems more vague and difficult.


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