Hi there ..
trying to install DBD::Informix on a solaris machine. I've done it on the
test server which (at least from my point if view) have an indentical
environment and that worked ok. And the perl scripts run fine.

Output from perl Makefile.PL on test server:

-------OUTPUT START-------
perl Makefile.PL

Configuring Informix Database Driver for Perl Version 1.00.PC1 (2000-03-03)
(aka DBD::Informix)
        You are using DBI version 1.14 and Perl version 5.00503
Remember to actually read the README file!

Perl:     perl5.00503 sun4-solaris dl_dlopen.xs
System:   sunos jumbo 5.5.1 generic_103640-27 sun4u sparc sunw,ultra-4
Compiler: gcc -O -I/usr/gnu/include -I/opt/gnu/include

Using INFORMIX-ESQL Version 7.24.UC7 from /opt/informix-7.30
Assert macro will be disabled!

Testing whether your Informix test environment will work...
ESQLTEST Program Running:
@(#)$Id: esqltest.ec version /main/20 2000-02-08 16:57:02 $
        $DBI_DBNAME unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE2 unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME2 is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD2 is unset.
Testing connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info
Testing concurrent connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info
Your Informix environment is (probably) OK

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Using DBI 1.14 installed in
Writing Makefile for DBD::Informix
-----OUTPUT END------

On the 'problem' machine:

-----OUTPUT START------

bash$ perl Makefile.PL

Configuring Informix Database Driver for Perl Version 1.00.PC1 (2000-03-03)
(aka DBD::Informix)
        You are using DBI version 1.14 and Perl version 5.00503
Remember to actually read the README file!

Perl:     perl5.00503 sun4-solaris dl_dlopen.xs
System:   sunos joker 5.5.1 generic_103640-27 sun4u sparc sunw,ultra-4
Compiler: gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/ -O -I/usr/local/include

Using INFORMIX-ESQL Version 7.24.UC7 from /usr/informix
Assert macro will be disabled!

Testing whether your Informix test environment will work...
gcc: file path prefix `/usr/ccs/bin/' never used
ESQLTEST Program Running:
@(#)$Id: esqltest.ec version /main/20 2000-02-08 16:57:02 $
        $DBI_DBNAME unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE2 unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME2 is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD is unset.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD2 is unset.
Testing connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info
SQL: -369: Invalid serial number.  Please consult your installation

Testing concurrent connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info
SQL: -369: Invalid serial number.  Please consult your installation

*** Your Informix environment is not usable
*** You must fix it before building or testing DBD::Informix
-----OUTPUT END------

Any help, hints ot trix are welcome!


"Funny," he intoned funerally, "how just when you think life
can't possibly get any worse it suddenly does."

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