----- Forwarded message from Rajesh Yenumulapally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 11:11:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Rajesh Yenumulapally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bind param problem

sorry the regular mailing list is not working...

I wrote a script which uses bind param function of
the DBI and it works perfectly fine on one server but
not on the other one. My first server has the perl
5.003/DBI 0.79 and my second server has perl 
5.6.0/DBI 1.13.I noticed that the bind param function
stopped taking empty strings as one of the parameter
on the new server.I am getting an error called "Bad
file number" when I am trying to excute the 
statement. I wonder what that means. Everything is
working perfectly fine on my old server.Can any one
please tell me what the problem is???? 

the script is very simple and is as follows.......


use DBI;      # Only for DBI

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

$lda = DBI->connect( 'dpscs4', 'meweb01',
'meweb01',Oracle ); 

$sql = "insert into table_name

$csr = $lda -> prepare($sql) || die $ora_errstr;

$csr->bind_param(":TEST2"," "); # here it dosen't take
an empty string

 if( $csr -> execute )
    print "Could execute\n";
        $ret  = $lda->rollback ; 
        $csr -> finish;             
  print "Could not execute because: $!\n";

$ret = $lda->disconnect; 

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