On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 12:23:03PM +0200, Richard Limanowski wrote:

> The following code introduced in v1.15 makes perl crash
> when retrieving ref curosor with DBD::Oracle.
> lines 773 ff
>       if (DBIc_TYPE(imp) == DBIt_ST) {
>           SV **Statement = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(h), "Statement", 9, 0);
> ==>       if (SvOK(*Statement))
>               hv_store((HV*)SvRV(parent), "Statement", 9, SvREFCNT_inc(*Statement), 
>       }
>     }
> Statement is NULL.
> I commented out the code above and DBD::Oracle-1.06 passes all tests.

Wonderful. Thanks. Saved me the time to dig. I'll fix it for the
next release. Which might just be this week.


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