First I would upgrade to 1.24 that would speed things up conciderably as it can 
do more than on fow per round trip fetch.


The problem with VARRAY is that you have to iterate over the arrary at each 
select to build up the perl array.  While it is done in OCI (C) it will still 
take time.  Ther is no supper magic in PERL, or OCI to get the varray as a big 


In fact a Varry, table and object are not realy what most people thing they 
are.  They are just a predfined link (join) from one table to, in the case of 
VARRY, another table of one type,  Oracle just hides the nasty relational db 
stuff from you the user.


1600 row is not a very large select are you having speed problems??


It could ber a ver large select if you are doing 1600*200+1600*200 for the two 
varrys.  The internal nastyness of the varry in OCI is unknown to me.  I would 
not be surprised if OCI is actully makeing a round trip to the varry table for 
each of the fields that it is returning.  


The actual process in OCI for filling the varray is 


get object

get itrator for object

iterate over object

get and then copy contents of object to perl   

It wold not surprise me that the iteration and get part does a hidden round 
trip to the DB.


according to the docs it might. Not way to tell for sure except by a tracke.



There may be some hope here as I see in the doc that one can cache the object 
though it is not clear how.  That would take a little time


By the way you seem to be the only one using varray would love to talk to you 
off line n how you use them.



John Scoles 

Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:12:20 -0700
Subject: speeding varray queries in DBD::Oracle

We have a lot of similar queries (see attached) that return a non-unique 
identifier and two varrays.  One varray is a timestamp array and the other is a 
float value array.  See attached SQL.  We are currently returning on the order 
of 1600 rows.  We would like to change the settings in DBD::Oracle 1.23 (or 
possibly upgrade), possibly change the queries to use table functions (how?).  
Our DBA suggested using “set arraysize”  how do you do that from DBD::Oracle?  
We have VARRAY(200) for our varrays.
John Carlson                                      
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