Another beta before 0.80.  I'm still looking for feedback on the docs.

Special thanks to Kineticode for funding some of the development done for
this release.

0.79_02  October 17, 2003


- Added support for table attributes like MySQL's "TYPE = ..." or
Postgres's "WITH OIDS".

- Added support for functional indexes in Postgres, like
"LOWER(some_col)".  Funded by Kineticode, LLC for Bricolage 2.0.

- Added column/table constraint/check reverse engineering for
Postgres.  Funded by Kineticode, LLC for Bricolage 2.0.

- The SQL generated for Postgres schemas now includes foreign key

- Added a new method to Alzabo::Runtime::Schema, prefetch_none().

- Added a new method to Alzabo::Table, has_index().

- Documented Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache.

- The definitions of the is_character and is_blob column methods have
been clarified.  Note that these definitions have changed from the
previous, undefined behavior.

- When a 1..1 or 1..n foreign key is added to a table, a unique index
is created on the columns involved in the foreign key, unless those
columns are part of the tables primary key.


- Fixed a problem in the Makefile.PL which would cause it to fail even
if you had Module::Build installed.  Reported by Ken Williams.

- Fixed (really, this time, I hope) a problem where the user-provided
connection parameters were not respected in the 01-driver.t tests.
Reported by Ken Williams.

- FK reverse engineering for Postgres sometimes got the cardinality of
the relationship wrong, making it 1..1 when it should be 1..n.  This
should be much improved in this release, though it may still have

- Removed references to the old caching code in various spots.

- Fixed handling case_sensitive parameter to


- When you load a runtime schema, it now calls
"$self->prefetch_all_but_blobs" in order to turn on pre-fetching by
default, since for the vast majority of users, this is a huge
performance improvement.  The new prefetch_none() method can be used
to turn off all prefetching.

- The is_character column method now returns true for any text type
column, regardless of size.

- The is_blob column method now returns true only for columns that are
defined to hold binary data.


House Absolute Consulting

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