Re: [Dbix-class] multiple database connection

2011-10-21 Thread Rippl, Steve
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 7:52 AM, Roland Philibert wrote:

> Hi all,
> Could anybody send me an example on how to connect multiple databases
> using DBIC::Schema?
> I have:
> package MyApp::Model::DB;
> use strict;
> use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema';
> __PACKAGE__->config(
>schema_class => 'MyApp::Schema',
>connect_info => {
>dsn => 'dbi:mysql:database=db1:host=host1',
>user => 'root',
>password => 'root',
> );
> And I need to connect to another mysql db (db2) under a different host
> (host2)
[assuming catalyst app]

Create a second model  MyApp::Model::DB2 with connection info for the second
db.  I autocreate them using...

# create/update model for netadmin db
script/ model *DB* DBIC::Schema NetAdmin::Schema
create=static components=TimeStamp
'dbi:Pg:dbname=netadmin;host=hostname;port=5432' 'username' 'password' '{
AutoCommit => 1, quote_char => q{"}, }'

# create/update model for radius db
script/ model *RadiusDB* DBIC::Schema
NetAdmin::RadiusSchema create=static components=TimeStamp
'dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host=hostname2' 'username2' 'password2' '{ AutoCommit
=> 1 }'

Then I use one connection using $c->model('*DB*::Table')->...  and the other
using $c->model('*RadiusDB*::OtherTable')->...

Don't know if this is the best way, but it's what I use?!!

Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland Public Schools
360 841 2730
Searchable Archive:

[Dbix-class] New many-to-many warnings

2012-12-06 Thread Rippl, Steve

I have a Catalyst app using DBIx::Class and just updated to latest versions
and suddenly I'm getting warnings when loading the schema from our Postgres
DB that I hadn't seen before

DBIx::Class is up to date. (0.08204)
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader is up to date. (0.07033)

The many-to-many relationship 'roles' is trying to create a utility method
called roles_rs.
This will completely overwrite one such already existing method on class

You almost certainly want to rename your method or the many-to-many
relationship, as the functionality of the original method will not be
accessible anymore.

To disable this warning set to a true value the environment variable


I'm getting a few of these on tables that I haven't altered in the interim,
I'm not creating relationships manually, they're defined in the DB.  Are
these utility methods new?  I'm not seeing them in the schema but I suppose
that's what the warning is telling me?  Is it OK to just


Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland Public Schools
360 841 2730
Searchable Archive:

[Dbix-class] Re: New many-to-many warnings

2012-12-10 Thread Rippl, Steve
OK, my bad!  I had previously manually defined many-to-many relations for a
couple of the tables and now they're being autogenerated with the same


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:17 PM, Rippl, Steve wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a Catalyst app using DBIx::Class and just updated to latest
> versions and suddenly I'm getting warnings when loading the schema from our
> Postgres DB that I hadn't seen before
> DBIx::Class is up to date. (0.08204)
> DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader is up to date. (0.07033)
> ***
> DBIx::Class::Carp::__ANON__():
> ***
> The many-to-many relationship 'roles' is trying to create a utility method
> called roles_rs.
> This will completely overwrite one such already existing method on class
> Site::Schema::Result::User.
> You almost certainly want to rename your method or the many-to-many
> relationship, as the functionality of the original method will not be
> accessible anymore.
> To disable this warning set to a true value the environment variable
> *
> I'm getting a few of these on tables that I haven't altered in the
> interim, I'm not creating relationships manually, they're defined in the
> DB.  Are these utility methods new?  I'm not seeing them in the schema but
> I suppose that's what the warning is telling me?  Is it OK to just
> Thanks,
> Steve
> --
> Steve Rippl
> Technology Director
> Woodland Public Schools
> 360 841 2730

Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland Public Schools
360 841 2730
Searchable Archive:

[Dbix-class] Generating DISTINCT ON with sub query

2013-04-02 Thread Rippl, Steve
I have something like the following

{   join => [
{ 'course'  => [
{ course_coursetypes  => 'type' },
{ course_grades => 'grade' },
] },
{ 'section' => { 'section_staffs' => 'staff' } }
'+select' => [
'staff.name_first', 'staff.name_last',
'+as' => [ qw( name_first name_last course_name ) ],
order_by  => [ '', '', '' ]

which give or take generates

SELECT "me"."section_id", "me"."course_id", "staff"."name_first",
"staff"."name_last", "course"."name"
FROM "course_section" "me" JOIN "course" "course"
ON "course"."id" = "me"."course_id"
LEFT JOIN "course_grade" "course_grades" ON "course_grades"."course_id" =
LEFT JOIN "grade" "grade" ON "grade"."id" = "course_grades"."grade_id"
LEFT JOIN "course_location" "course_locations" ON
"course_locations"."course_id" = "course"."id"
JOIN "section" "section" ON "section"."id" = "me"."section_id"
LEFT JOIN "section_staff" "section_staffs" ON "section_staffs"."section_id"
= "section"."id"
LEFT JOIN "staff" "staff" ON "staff"."id" = "section_staffs"."staff_id"
WHERE ( "section"."active" = 1 )
ORDER BY "grade"."id", "course"."name", "section"."name"

Sections can have multiple grades, so the join to course_grades can produce
multiple lines for each section. I need that join so I can still sort by
their lowest grade (for sensible ordered display) but then I want to go
back to distinct sections.  The following SQL (in postgres) seems to do
that for me...

SELECT DISTINCT ON (section_id) * FROM (
SELECT "me"."section_id" AS section_id, "me"."course_id",
"staff"."name_first", "staff"."name_last", "course"."name"
FROM "course_section" "me" JOIN "course" "course"
ON "course"."id" = "me"."course_id"
LEFT JOIN "course_grade" "course_grades" ON "course_grades"."course_id"
= "course"."id"
LEFT JOIN "grade" "grade" ON "grade"."id" = "course_grades"."grade_id"
LEFT JOIN "course_location" "course_locations" ON
"course_locations"."course_id" = "course"."id"
JOIN "section" "section" ON "section"."id" = "me"."section_id"
LEFT JOIN "section_staff" "section_staffs" ON
"section_staffs"."section_id" = "section"."id"
LEFT JOIN "staff" "staff" ON "staff"."id" = "section_staffs"."staff_id"
WHERE ( "section"."active" = 1 )
ORDER BY "grade"."id", "course"."name", "section"."name"
) AS foo

Can I generate that in dbic?


Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland Public Schools
360 841 2730
Searchable Archive:

Re: [Dbix-class] Generating DISTINCT ON with sub query

2013-04-03 Thread Rippl, Steve
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 2:46 AM, Peter Rabbitson wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 08:20:34PM -0700, Rippl, Steve wrote:
> > I have something like the following
> >
> > $self->search(
> > $search,
> > {   join => [
> > { 'course'  => [
> > { course_coursetypes  => 'type' },
> > { course_grades => 'grade' },
> > 'course_locations',
> > ] },
> > { 'section' => { 'section_staffs' => 'staff' } }
> > ],
> > '+select' => [
> > 'staff.name_first', 'staff.name_last',
> > '',
> > ],
> > '+as' => [ qw( name_first name_last course_name ) ],
> > order_by  => [ '', '', ''
> ]
> > }
> > );
> >
> > Sections can have multiple grades, so the join to course_grades can
> produce
> > multiple lines for each section. I need that join so I can still sort by
> > their lowest grade (for sensible ordered display) but then I want to go
> > back to distinct sections.  The following SQL (in postgres) seems to do
> > that for me...
> >
> > SELECT DISTINCT ON (section_id) * FROM (
> > SELECT "me"."section_id" AS section_id, "me"."course_id",
> > "staff"."name_first", "staff"."name_last", "course"."name"
> > FROM "course_section" "me" JOIN "course" "course"
> > ON "course"."id" = "me"."course_id"
> > LEFT JOIN "course_grade" "course_grades" ON
> "course_grades"."course_id"
> > = "course"."id"
> > LEFT JOIN "grade" "grade" ON "grade"."id" =
> "course_grades"."grade_id"
> > LEFT JOIN "course_location" "course_locations" ON
> > "course_locations"."course_id" = "course"."id"
> > JOIN "section" "section" ON "section"."id" = "me"."section_id"
> > LEFT JOIN "section_staff" "section_staffs" ON
> > "section_staffs"."section_id" = "section"."id"
> > LEFT JOIN "staff" "staff" ON "staff"."id" =
> "section_staffs"."staff_id"
> > WHERE ( "section"."active" = 1 )
> > ORDER BY "grade"."id", "course"."name", "section"."name"
> > ) AS foo
> >
> > Can I generate that in dbic?
> Not directly because this is highly non-standard SQL, and there isn't
> smooth support for this kind of thing in the API yet. However there are
> other ways of achieveing what you want. I want to clarify however what
> is your final goal. From your relationship map it is unclear:
> - What is the relationship between me (course_section) and section. Is this
>   a belongs_to ? a might_have? a has_many?
> - Your Pg query would return *multiple* identical course_section's that
> only differ by the related names injected into them by the +select. This
> seems rather non-DBIC-ish - the usual way os to have has_many related
> data hanging as separate objects.
> Clarify the above and I'll get back to you with practical ways to
> achieve what you want
Thanks for the offer of help Peter.
  { id => "course_id" },
  { is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },

  { id => "section_id" },
  { is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },

Each Section only has one teacher and belongs to one course, so it's not
the +select columns that are giving me multiple values as those are all the
same for each repeated row.  A course can have multiple grades and so
that's where the join is producing multiple rows per section_id.
  { "foreign.course_id" => "" },
  { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },

I was trying to group by section_id, but when sorting on grade_id I have to
include that in the group by and it doesn't seem to actually do any
grouping by!

Have I given you enough info?

Thanks again,

Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland Public Schools
360 841 2730
Searchable Archive:

Re: [Dbix-class] Generating DISTINCT ON with sub query

2013-04-03 Thread Rippl, Steve
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Peter Rabbitson wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 03, 2013 at 08:41:05AM -0700, Rippl, Steve wrote:
> > Have I given you enough info?
> I think so but I want to make sure I got it right. Tell me if the thing
> below is correct:
> $course_section_rs->search({}, {
> join => [
>   { 'course' => [ <--- me -> belongs_to(course)
> { course_coursetypes  => 'type' }, <-- me -> belongs_to(course) ->
> has_many(course_coursetypes) -> belongs_to(type)
> { course_grades => 'grade' }, <--- me -> belongs_to(course) ->
> has_many(course_grades) -> belongs_to(grade)
> 'course_locations',  < me ->
> has_many(course_locations)  (this one is not referenced anywhere - mistake?)
>   ] },
>   { 'section' => { 'section_staffs' => 'staff' } } me ->
> belongs_to(section) -> has_many(section_staffs) -> belongs_to(staff)
> ]})
> If this is true (specifically the has_many(section_staffs) part) then this:
> > Each Section only has one teacher and belongs to one course
> can't be correct...
> Please clarify ;)

You are correct with the relations, logically each section should only have
one teacher but I haven't specified that and the above relations are the
ones auto-generated.  I have "CONSTRAINT section_id_staff_id PRIMARY KEY
(section_id, staff_id)" on the section_staff table when I guess just
staff_id should be the primary key?

The joins to course_coursetype and course_locations are there because in
some contexts I want to filter by location or type so my original $search
would change accordingly, but right now I'm trying to get the most general
case to work.

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