2017-08-11 10:16 UTC+02:00, Jean-Marc Vanel <jeanmarc.va...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> Currently accessing dbPedia lookup with HTTPS fails.
> I never tried before, so I don't know if it's a bug or an
> unimplemented feature of the software or of the server.
> wget https://lookup.dbpedia.org/api/search/PrefixSearch?QueryString=Vanel
> --2017-08-11 09:58:18--
> https://lookup.dbpedia.org/api/search/PrefixSearch?QueryString=Vanel
> Resolving lookup.dbpedia.org (lookup.dbpedia.org)...
> Connecting to lookup.dbpedia.org
> (lookup.dbpedia.org)||:443... failed: Connection timed
> out.
> Retrying.
> --2017-08-11 10:00:29--  (try: 2)
> https://lookup.dbpedia.org/api/search/PrefixSearch?QueryString=Vanel
> Connecting to lookup.dbpedia.org
> (lookup.dbpedia.org)||:443... failed: Connection timed
> out.
> Retrying.
> --
> Jean-Marc Vanel
> http://www.semantic-forms.cc:9111/display?displayuri=http://jmvanel.free.fr/jmv.rdf%23me
> Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
> Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
> +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
> Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://irc.freenode.net#eulergui

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://irc.freenode.net#eulergui

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