Hi Jiawei Wu & welcome to DBpedia!

we are always available if you have any questions / clarifications on the
ideas you are interested in:)


On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Jiawei Wu <vicla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi DBpedia team,
> I am Jiawei (Viclan) Wu, and you can call me Jiawei or Viclan. I am a
> junior undergraduate at Tsinghua University, China, and my main research
> interests lie on natural language processing and machine learning. Now, I
> worked at NLP Lab at Tsinghua and just submitted a paper about knowledge
> graph representation to the proceedings of ACL 2016.
> It is excited to find DBpedia projects in GSoC, cause these projects are
> close to my regular research work. I am extremely interested in Learning to
> predict types for DBpedia, and I have discussed it with Nilesh on DBpedia
> Ideas. I have experience in entity embeddings and state-of-art machine
> learning skills through courses and research work, so I would like to work
> on this project. And I will do the warmup tasks in the next few days.
> I am also planning to write a detailed proposal. I think it will be
> amazing to contribute to DBpedia, and hope I can have the opportunity to
> work with you team.
> Best wishes,
> Jiawei Wu
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