Apologies for cross-posting.



From: Repositories discussion list
[mailto:jisc-repositor...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Richard Cockram
Sent: 28 July 2010 09:59
To: jisc-repositor...@jiscmail.ac.uk
Subject: Institutional repositories research


Apologies for cross posting.

Dear all,
I am a postgraduate student at Aberystwyth University studying for an
MScEcon in Records and Information Management. As part of my
dissertation on the use of Cloud Computing in institutional repositories
I have designed this short questionnaire. If you work in a repository
and would like to share your opinions on cloud technologies, I would be
extremely grateful if you would complete this when you get a chance as
the information you provide will form a vital part of my research. All
the information will of course be anonymised.


Thank you very much for your time,

Richard Cockram

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