Of possible interest to list members.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lazorchak, William [mailto:w...@loc.gov] 
Sent: 17 August 2010 20:09
To: Lazorchak, William
Subject: [DIGLIB] Survey Response Request: Digital Geospatial
Preservation Clearinghouse

Apologies for cross-posting...

The Library of Congress and the Center for International Earth Science
Information Network at Columbia University's Earth Institute are working
to create a web-based clearinghouse of information about best practices
for preserving significant digital geospatial data. 

CIESIN is currently gathering requirements to gain insight into
potential uses and users of the clearinghouse and to inform its
development. They have established a survey to assist them in their

The brief, anonymous survey is available at
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XVTT92P and all interested community
members are encouraged to provide input. The survey will close at the
end of August 2010.

Based on the results of their requirements-gathering, CIESIN will launch
a beta version of the clearinghouse later this year.

Further information on the Clearinghouse can be found at

Please forward this announcement to any appropriate listservs or

Butch Lazorchak
Digital Archivist
Library of Congress
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540
(202) 707-2603

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