DPC is pleased to announce that registration is now open to attend our next 
expert briefing day on the topic of 'Digital Preservation and Digital 
Resilience' in London on the 21st May is now available: 

Resilience is an increasingly important topic in the provision of digital 
services. Digital technology offers the prospect of '24/7' services, a model 
which can only be sustained through constant monitoring and planning to ensure 
continuity of service. Increasing demands on the networks, increasing concerns 
about security, and increasing economic and social consequences from their 
failure, makes resilience a pressing concern. Business continuity planning 
continually refines and extends these protections to ensure that the right 
services are supplied to the right people at the right time.

Digital preservation is part of resilience planning and shares a core set of 
concepts and practices with business continuity management. Both work towards 
robust data provision through processes of risk assessment, disaster planning, 
security-testing and on-going monitoring; both use replication and redundancy 
to mitigate or prevent data loss; and both require a detailed understanding of 
what information is where and who is allowed to access it. But because digital 
preservation and digital resilience are designed to combat different types of 
threat, there is a risk that they are not aligned as effectively - or as 
efficiently - as they could be. How might a digital preservation plan 
contribute to organisational resilience? How might business continuity 
management contribute to a long term information strategy?

This DPC briefing day will provide a forum for members to review and debate the 
latest development in business continuity management and how it aligns with 
digital preservation. Based on commentary and case studies from leaders in the 
field, participants will be presented with emerging policies, tools and 
technologies and will be encouraged to propose and debate new directions for 

The day will include discussion of key topics such as:

*         Intelligent enterprise risk management

*         Disaster planning and disaster recovery

*         Digital continuity

*         Business processes and preservation

Who should come?

This day will be of interest to:

*         Collections managers, curators and archivists in all institutions

*         Data security and resilience planners

*         Tools developers and policy makers in digital preservation and 
resilience planning

*         Innovators, researchers and investors in information policy and 

*         Innovators, researchers and funders in computing science

*         Vendors and providers of digital preservation and continuity of 
business services

Registration is free for DPC members who have had access to priority 
registration for the last week or so.  Non-members are now welcome for 250GBP 
each: http://www.dpconline.org/events/details/44-resilience?xref=46

Dr William Kilbride FSA
Executive Director
Digital Preservation Coalition

44 (0)141 330 4522

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