Dear All,

As you may know, the DPC with ARA, and the Universities of Aberystwyth, Dundee 
and University College London is hosting a half day student conference entitled 
'Digital preservation: What I wish I knew before I started'.  It will focus on 
practical workplace skills in digital preservation and will bring a select 
group of leading practitioners together with the next generation of archivists, 
records managers and librarians to discuss the challenges of digital 
collections management and digital preservation.  In a lively set of 
presentations and discussions, each of the speakers will be invited to reflect 
on 'the things I wish I knew before I started', or 'what I actually do all day' 
 giving students an advantage in their own career development, and helping 
those who frame the curriculum a chance to extend their students' readiness for 
the workplace.  The conference is being held at Birkbeck College London on 
24/01/2013 and places are free.

As expected the conference is very popular and there are now only a few places 
remaining.  Registration will close when we reach capacity or on 16th January 
whichever comes first. For more details and to register go to: and 
please don't delay if you want to be certain of a place.

All best wishes and apologies for cross-posting,


Dr William Kilbride FSA
Executive Director
Digital Preservation Coalition

44 (0)141 330 4522

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