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From: Mayhood, Erin (elm8s) [] 
Sent: 12 July 2010 17:09
Subject: [DIGLIB] Music Encoding Initiative Council announces the release of 
MEI 2010-05


The Music Encoding Initiative Council announces the release of MEI 2010-05

- a groundbreaking digital musical notation model


The MEI Council is pleased to announce the first collaboratively-designed 
method for encoding the intellectual and physical characteristics of music 
notation documents and their scholarly editorial apparatus. MEI has the ability 
to manage complex source situations and will dramatically improve the search, 
retrieval and display of notated music online, benefiting music scholars and 
performers. Because of MEI's software independence, the data format defined by 
the schema also serves an archival function. 


The MEI model is free and available for download at 
<> . The site also offers tutorials, examples, and 
experimental software for MEI conversion - more will be available in the near 
future. Information about the future of the project and how to get involved are 
also on the site.

The MEI Council is an international group of scholars, technologists, and 
educators representing a broad range of musicological, theoretical, and 
pedagogical interests. The Council was created through funding to the 
University of Virginia Library and the University of Paderborn from the 
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) and the National 
Endowment for the Humanities. 

About the University of Virginia

With 14 physical locations as well as the original Rotunda, the U.Va. Library 
contains more than 5 million books, 17 million manuscripts, rare books and 
archives, and rapidly growing digital collections. The Library is a leader in 
developing collections, tools, and collaborations that foster scholarship at 
the University and worldwide. It is known, in particular, for its strength in 
American history and literature and its innovation in digital technologies. The 
MEI project is a continuation of work begun in 2000 at U.Va. 

About the University of Paderborn

The University of Paderborn has a special focus on Computer Science, 
exemplified by its Heinz-Nixdorf Institute. Together with the Hochschule für 
Musik in Detmold, the University conducts the Seminar for Musicology where, in 
2004 and in cooperation with the Carl Maria von Weber Complete-Edition project, 
preliminary work was performed regarding digital critical editions of music. 
Its "Edirom" project (also DFG-funded) has been developing platform-independent 
solutions for musical editions since 2006.

About the granting agencies

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is the central, self-governing research 
funding organization, serving all branches of science and the humanities by 
funding research at universities and other publicly financed research 
institutions in Germany and facilitating cooperation among investigators.

The National Endowment for the Humanities is an independent grant-making agency 
of the United States government dedicated to supporting research, education, 
preservation, and public programs in the humanities.

Any views, finding, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program 
do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities 
or the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.



Erin Mayhood

Head, Music Library

Old Cabell Hall 
University of Virginia 
PO Box 400175 
Charlottesville VA 22904-4175 
(434) 924-7017


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