UK university consortium gets £3.7m for HPC innovation centre
Four British universities are sharing computing resources to encourage use of 
By Sophie Curtis | Techworld | Published: 15:00, 26 March 2012

The universities of Southampton, Bristol, Oxford and University College London 
have joined forces with the e-Science Centre at Rutherford Appleton 
Laboratories, to form a new Centre of Innovation for the application of High 
Performance Computing.

The consortium of universities will share computing resources including 
hardware, software applications, support services and skills to encourage wider 
use of HPC in both academia and industry. It has been awarded a total of £3.7 
million by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for 
the creation and operation of the centre.

The lion's share of the funding (£2.2 million) has been awarded to the 
University of Southampton, to upgrade its Iridis3 supercomputer. A 12,000-core 
Intel Westmere-based architecture is now being installed, doubling its original 
performance and enabling more than 115 trillion calculations per second.


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