Dear all

Correction to my previous annuoncement: IDCC11 is going to be held in Bristol. Apologies for the confusion.

7th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC)
Marriott Royal Hotel, Bristol UK, 5-8 December 2011

The Digital Curation Centre are pleased to invite you to IDCC 2011.

IDCC brings together specialists in the field of digital curation, those who create, curate, manage and use information as well as those who research and teach curation processes.

To register, please go to:

Early bird discount applies before 15 November.

The programme consists of lectures and practical workshops.

Lectures take place over 2 days, 6-7 December, and include keynote talks by:
- Ewan McIntosh, CEO NoTosh;
- Professor Philip E Bourne, Department of Pharmacology, University of California San Diego and Editor-in-Chief PLoS Computational Biologyand; - Natasa Milic-Frayling, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC).

For the full programme of talks visit:

Workshops are held on the 5h and 8th of December. These are in-depth discussions of a particular area of expertise. There are 9 interesting topics to choose from. Many of the sessions are free of charge and all are oversubscribed - register now to avoid disappointment:

Diana Sisu
Customer Relationship Manager
Digital Curation Centre
Appleton Tower
11 Crichton Street
Edinburgh EH8 9LE

Tel: +44 (0)131 650 6988

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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