
I'm wondering whether I've misunderstood how to use the FunctionMap 
> declaration. I'm needing it to use for 
> VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints
> At the moment I am trying to apply nonzero normal component of the normal 
> stress in step-22 on a boundary id that is 2
> I have tried 
>             std::set<types::boundary_id> bottom_normal_flux_boundaries;
>             bottom_normal_flux_boundaries.insert (2);
>             typename FunctionMap<dim>::type bottom_normal_map;
>             RockBottomValues<dim> bottom_nonzero_normal_stress;
>             bottom_normal_map[0] = &bottom_nonzero_normal_stress;
>             VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints 
> (dof_handler, 0,
> bottom_normal_flux_boundaries,
> bottom_normal_map,
> constraints);
> with my nonzero function as
> template <int dim>
>     class RockBottomValues : public Function<dim>
>     {
>     public:
>         RockBottomValues () : Function<dim>(1) {}
>         virtual double value (const Point<dim>   &p,
>                               const unsigned int  component = 0) const;
>     };
>     template <int dim>
>     double RockBottomValues<dim>::value (const Point<dim>  &p,
>                                                const unsigned int 
> /*component*/) const
>     {
>         return -10.0+p[1];
>     }
> I'm not sure if I understand what I am doing when i write, 
> bottom_normal_map[0] = &bottom_nonzero_normal_stress;
> I original had bottom_normal_map[2] = &bottom_nonzero_normal_stress;
> as i thought it was to do with the boundary indicator.
Yes, it clearly does. Just as the documentation 
<https://www.dealii.org/8.5.1/doxygen/deal.II/structFunctionMap.html> says, 
this is std::map is supposed to describe which Function object to use for 
which boundary_id.

> The first gave me a segmentation fault error, something to do with memory 
> i'm guessing, and the second gave me a dimension mismatch error, even 
> though my normal component would just be a scalar value. 
The documentation 
uses the vector-valued u_\Gamma for describing what the function does and 
in fact we are expecting the FunctionMap to point to such a vector-valued 
Function, i.e. it should have spacedim components.
In the end, this means that you have to provide u_\Gamma instead of u_\Gamm 
\cdot n.


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