Hello everyone.

I am trying to solve elasticity and *laplace (damage)* equations in the 
same program. The rhs of laplace equation depends on the elasticity 
solution vector. Both equations have already been solved in step3 and 8. I 
am following the same approach. I am creating my objects (like 
triangulation_elasticity, fe_elasticity,dof_handler_elasticity) for 
elasticity as in step8 and solving the elasticity equation. Everything 
works fine till this point. 

Then I tried to solve the laplace equation using the elasticity solution. I 
followed step 3 approach and created the corresponding 
objects(triangulation_damage, fe_damage,dof_handler_damage). 

However, I am getting the following error:

An error occurred in line <4310> of file 
in function
    void dealii::FEValues<dim, spacedim>::reinit(const 
dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<dim, spacedim, lda> >&) [with 
bool level_dof_access = false; int dim = 2; int spacedim = 2]
The violated condition was: 
    static_cast<const FiniteElementData<dim> &>(*this->fe) == 
static_cast<const FiniteElementData<dim> &>(cell->get_fe())
Additional information: 

* The FiniteElement you provided to FEValues and the FiniteElement that    
belongs to the DoFHandler that provided the cell iterator do not    match*.

#0  /home/wasim/dealii-candi/deal.II-v9.4.0/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.4.0: void 
2>::reinit<false>(dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> 
> const&)
#1  ./step-200: float 
2, false> > >(dealii::Vector<double>, 
dealii::TriaActiveIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> >, unsigned 
#2  ./step-200: step200::PhaseField::assemble_system_damage()
#3  ./step-200: step200::PhaseField::damage_mesh()
#4  ./step-200: main

It says that in assemble_damage, the finite element provided to fevalues 
and that of dof_handler are different.
I don't know what this exactly means as I am only creating a single object,* 
FE_Q<2>          fe_damage* for solving my damage equation.

Thanks and regards

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