Re: [deal.II] Face and line orientation dependent dof permutations in FE_Q

2021-01-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth

On 1/13/21 12:32 PM, Konrad Simon wrote:

I have a quick question: On complicated meshes some faces can have a 
non-standard orientation or they can be rotated against the neighboring face. 
This causes inconsistencies for some vector elements.

In principle this potentially causes inconsistencies for FE_Q elements as well 
(for all dofs located at vertices, lines and faces). But that is being taken 
care of in the library, so everything seems fine.

In order to understand the issue better for other elements: where in the 
library is this being taken care of? I have difficulties to find that.

Remark: I found a table in (fe.h/ that derived elements need to 
implement that takes care of local dof permutations on quads (not full faces 
and hence not line dofs or vertex dofs). Now, lines can have different 
orientations but lines also permute within a cell upon face 
orientation/rotation changes.

Can anyone point me to the place in Deal.II where this is being taken care of 
for FE_Q?

Konrad -- my apologies not only for not getting to this question quicker, but 
in fact for not helping you along over the past few months. I saw that you are 
working on this, but it's been a very long time since I understood these 
issues sufficiently well to help out and I haven't had the time to really read 
up on it again in enough detail to be useful. I do know that it's a topic for 
which we, collectively, have probably lost our expertise and that there is 
likely nobody else who knows it well either. You might be the expert on this 
at the moment.

Fundamentally, the place to look is to search through the finite element 
classes where they ask for face and line orientations. It is possible that you 
don't actually have to do much there: Finite element classes generally work in 
the local (cell) coordinate system, where you enumerate shape functions as 
0...dofs_per_cell. So when, for example, you compute the local matrix, it 
really is local. The interesting part happens when you translate what *global* 
degrees of freedom correspond to the local ones, i.e., when you call 
cell->get_dof_indices() (==DoFCellAccessor::get_dof_indices). This is where on 
every cell has to collect which DoFs live on it, and that has to take into 
account the orientations of lines and faces come into play. The cell DoF 
indices are cached, but you can see how this works in 
dof_accessor.templates.h, starting in line 902 using the process_dof_indices() 

What this means is that if you have two cells that disagree about the relative 
orientation of their shared face, they when you call cell->get_dof_indices() 
on these two cells, you'd end up with a different ordering of the DoFs on the 
face. My usual approach to check this would be to create a mesh with two cells 
so that one has a non-standard face orientation, assign a Q3 element to the 
DoFHandler, and check that that is really what happens. (I generally turn 
these little programs into tests for the test suite, just so that what I just 
verified to be correct -- or not! -- is actually checked automatically in the 
future. I would very much love to see you submit such tests as well!)

So this is the process for FE_Q, where there is really not very much to do, or 
in fact for all interpolatory elements. The situation becomes a bit more 
difficult for things such as the Nedelec element (also the Raviart-Thomas one) 
where the shape functions are tangential to the edge. Let's say you have the 
lowest order Nedelec element. Then there is just one DoF on each edge, and 
both adjacent cells agree about this. But they also have to agree *which 
direction the vector-valued shape function should point to*, and that's 
trickier. I can't remember how we do this (or whether we actually do this at 
all). I *think* that the RT element gets this right in 2d, but I don't 
remember about the 3d case. Again, it would probably be quite helpful to write 
little programs and turn them into tests.

I know or strongly suspect that there are bugs for RT and Nedelec elements on 
meshes where faces have non-standard orientation. I've been thinking for years 
how I would go about debugging this, but I've never had the time to actually 
do it. But I'll share what I think would be the tools to do this:

1/ Creating meshes with non-standard orientations: You can feed 
Triangulation::create_triangulation() directly so that the faces have 
non-standard orientations with regard to each other. (See step-14 for how to 
call this function.) In 2d, this would work as follows: Think of a mesh like this:

  |   |   |

You'd describe the two cells via their vertex indices as
  0 1 3 4
  1 2 4 5
but if you want a mismatched edge orientation, you'd just use
  0 1 3 4  (thinks the edge is 1->4)
  5 4 2 1  (thinks the edge is 4->1)
or any other rotation. A good test would probably just try all 2x4 possible 
rotations of both cells.

2/ How do you check whether things are right 

Re: [deal.II] Re: Transfer vector of solutions

2021-01-27 Thread Marc Fehling
HI Karthik,

Glad we could help :-)

To Question 1:
So you estimate the error for the second component of each of your 
solutions, and then you add up the estimates on each cell. What is the 
reasoning behind summing up the error of multiple solutions?
Assume that the error estimate of one of your solutions is larger than all 
others by magnitudes, then this would be the dominant part of your estimate 
sum, and the other solutions would have no influence at all.
Maybe it would be reasonable to only pick one of your estimates as a 
measure for grid refinement.
First, you should find a detailed answer to the question why you want to 
refine your grid, and then find a way how you want to do it.

To Question 2:
`GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number` always refines and 
coarsens a the specified fraction of ALL cells. With this you can control 
the growth of the mesh size, rather than the reduction of the error. For 
the latter, you can use `GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction`. 
Otherwise, I would suggest to revise the fractions you are using for grid 


On Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 12:40:37 PM UTC-7 Karthi wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> Sorry for my delayed response, I was away for a couple of days. Thank you, 
> your suggestions were very helpful and it worked.
> I have a couple of follow up questions in regard to mesh refinement.
> Question (1)
> I employ FE_Q(degree, 2) for all my sub-problems (and the same 
> dof_handler).
> Hence, I have a std::vector, I created a container of 
> estimated_error_per_cell 
> for each solution and summed it all up in sum_estimater_error_per_cell, 
> which is then used in the Kelly Error Estimator. I used fe.componet_mask to 
> account for only the second component of my solution while calculating the 
> error estimate. 
> My objective is calculate a gradient error estimator as follow, where N 
> represents solution.size() (i.e the number of sub-problems)
> \sum_{i}^{N} |\nabla \alpha_i|
> I don't know if the below code achieves this?
> std::vector> estimated_error_per_cell(num_index,Vector >(triangulation.n_active_cells()));
> Vector sum_estimated_error_per_cell(triangulation.n_active_cells
> ());
> FEValuesExtractors::Scalar alpha(1);
> for(unsigned int i=0; i < num_index; i++)
> QGauss( + 1),
> {},
> solution[i],
> estimated_error_per_cell[i],
> fe.component_mask(alpha));
>  for(unsigned int i=0; i < num_index; i++)
> sum_estimated_error_per_cell += estimated_error_per_cell[i];
>  GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number(triangulation,
> sum_estimated_error_per_cell,
> 0.60,
> 0.40);
> Question (2)
> Please see the attachment of mesh refinement plots of the transient 
> solution. As you can see, the initial mesh refinement at time zero makes 
> sense but as the solution decays I was hoping the mesh would coarsen (but 
> it refines further). I am clearly doing something wrong. I need some help 
> in fixing this issue.
> Thank you!
> Karthi.
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 12:19 AM Marc Fehling  wrote:
>> Hi Karthi,
>> if you work on the same DoFHandler, one SolutionTransfer object is 
>> sufficient.
>> There are already member functions that take a container of solutions 
>> like yours as a parameter. Have a look at 
>> SolutionTransfer::prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement 
>> and SolutionTransfer::interpolate 
>> .
>> Best,
>> Marc
>> On Saturday, January 23, 2021 at 6:30:34 AM UTC-7 Karthi wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I have a fourth order parabolic equation, which is split into two second 
>>> order equations. Hence I solve using components by 
>>> declaring FESystem  fe(FE_Q(degree,2). I have in total three such 
>>> sub-problems, which are coupled to each other in a semi-implicit manner. 
>>> Therefore I have a std::vector of solution for the entire system.
>>> std::vector> solution.
>>> In addition, I am employing mesh adaptivity. After estimating the error 
>>> using Kelly, I would like to perform a solution transfer from old to new 
>>> mesh. Do I need to create a std::vector of SolutionTransfer objects; one 
>>> for each solution?
>>> The below code copied from step-26 seems to work. Is this the correct 
>>> approach?
>>> std::vector> solution_trans(3,dof_handler);
>>> std::vector> previous_solution(num_index);
>>> for(unsigned int i=0; i < num_index; i++){previous_solution[i] = 
>>> solution[i];}
>>> triangulation.prepare_coarsening_and_refine