Hi all,

I am trying to reproduce the code in Step 38 that extracts the boundary 
mesh, but I'd love to use a parallel::shared::Triangulation rather than a 
class. In a nutshell, I did this:

template <int dim>

class SmallStrainBeltramiDiffusionAndMechanicalProblem




  [ ... ]


  [ ... ]

  // Surface manifold dimension

  static const unsigned int manifold_dim = dim-1;

  // FEM member variables  

  parallel::shared::Triangulation<dim>   triangulation;


  DoFHandler<dim>  dof_handler;

  DoFHandler<manifold_dim,dim>  manifold_dof_handler;

  MappingQ<manifold_dim,dim>    manifold_mapping;

[ ... ]

template <int dim>

void SmallStrainBeltramiDiffusionAndMechanicalProblem<dim>::create_coarse_grid 
( bool neumann )



  const Point<dim> center;

  GridGenerator::hyper_ball (triangulation, center, 1.);

  triangulation.refine_global ( 6 ); 

  GridGenerator::extract_boundary_mesh (triangulation, 
manifold_triangulation); //, boundary_ids);

[ ...] 


I got this error message:


*An error occurred in line <220> of file 
<../source/distributed/tria_base.cc> in function*

*    virtual types::subdomain_id dealii::parallel::Triangulation<1, 
2>::locally_owned_subdomain() const*

*The violated condition was: *

*    dim > 1*

*The name and call sequence of the exception was:*

*    ExcNotImplemented()*

*Additional Information: *

*You are trying to use functionality in deal.II that is currently not 
implemented. In many cases, this indicates that there simply didn't appear 
much of a need for it, or that the author of the original code did not have 
the time to implement a particular case. If you hit this exception, it is 
therefore worth the time to look into the code to find out whether you may 
be able to implement the missing functionality. If you do, please consider 
providing a patch to the deal.II development sources (see the deal.II 
website on how to contribute).*



*#0  2   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000108b2c3f7 
_ZNK6dealii8parallel13TriangulationILi1ELi2EE23locally_owned_subdomainEv + 
231: 2   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000108b2c3f7 
_ZNK6dealii8parallel13TriangulationILi1ELi2EE23locally_owned_subdomainEv *

*#1  3   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x00000001081ce7f1 
_ZNK6dealii12CellAccessorILi1ELi2EE8is_ghostEv + 577: 3   
libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x00000001081ce7f1 
_ZNK6dealii12CellAccessorILi1ELi2EE8is_ghostEv *

*#2  4   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000108b2cb8f 
_ZN6dealii8parallel13TriangulationILi1ELi2EE19update_number_cacheEv + 1455: 
4   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000108b2cb8f 
_ZN6dealii8parallel13TriangulationILi1ELi2EE19update_number_cacheEv *

*#3  5   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000108b33f6d 
+ 413: 5   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000108b33f6d 

*#4  6   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000107c383b9 
+ 4537: 6   libdeal_II.g.8.4.1.dylib            0x0000000107c383b9 

*#5  7   heat-eq                             0x0000000100058754 
+ 196: 7   heat-eq                             0x0000000100058754 

*#6  8   heat-eq                             0x000000010005432f 
+ 191: 8   heat-eq                             0x000000010005432f 

*#7  9   heat-eq                             0x00000001000343cd 
+ 717: 9   heat-eq                             0x00000001000343cd 

*#8  10  heat-eq                             0x0000000100033b17 main + 391: 
10  heat-eq                             0x0000000100033b17 main *

*#9  11  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fffa8348235 start + 1: 
11  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fffa8348235 start *


Am I missing something or attempting at doing something that has not been 
implemented yet?



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