Dear all,

I'm am trying to reproduce with my implementation, the results in the 
Photonic Crystal computations performed in [1]. Here, the author uses a 
grid with an inner disk with radius R=0.475, and for FEM it is used the 
software Concepts [2] that implements curvilinear elements denoted Blending 
technique, or transfinite interpolation in quadrilaterals [3], [4,p. 144]. 
Exponential convergence was obtained for the p-FEM version.

By using the deal.II SphericalManifold, I can only get with the attached 
code up to R<0.46, before I get the exception: 

"The image of the mapping applied to cell with center [0.446317 -0.206317] 
is distorted. The cell geometry or the mapping are invalid, giving a 
non-positive volume fraction of -0.000129188 in quadrature point 54."

I am attaching a minimal test case (modified from step-10) that reproduces 
the errors:
and the code for the same mesh used in [1], adapted to deal.II standards in:

The question is then if it is possible to get this example running for 
R=0.475, in order to reproduce the results in [1]. Is there something I am 
doing wrong that can be improved? Can this behaviour be explained by round 

Furthermore, is anyone implementing transfinite interpolation [3,4] in 

Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated!

[1] Engström, C.,Spectral approximation of quadratic operator polynomials 
arising in photonic band structure calculations, Numer. Math. (2014) 126: 
[2] Concepts web page:
[3] W. J. Gordon, C. A. Hall, Construction of curvilinear coordinate 
systems and application to mesh generation Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol. 7 
(1973), pp. 461-477
[4] Pavel Solin, Karel Segeth, Ivo Dolezel, Higher-Order Finite Element 
Methods, Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CRC Press, 2003.

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2014 by the deal.II authors
 * This file is part of the deal.II library.
 * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
 * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
 * the top level of the deal.II distribution.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Authors: Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, University of Heidelberg, 2001

#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/base/convergence_table.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>

#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>

// added lines
#include "unit_cell.h"
#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>

namespace Step10
  using namespace dealii;

  const long double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643;

  template <int dim>
  void gnuplot_output()
    std::cout << "Output of grids into gnuplot files:" << std::endl
              << "===================================" << std::endl;

    Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
    GridGenerator::hyper_ball (triangulation);
    static const SphericalManifold<dim> boundary;
    triangulation.set_manifold (0, boundary);

    for (unsigned int refinement=0; refinement<2;
         ++refinement, triangulation.refine_global(1))
        std::cout << "Refinement level: " << refinement << std::endl;

        std::string filename_base = "ball";
        filename_base += '0'+refinement;

        for (unsigned int degree=1; degree<4; ++degree)
            std::cout << "Degree = " << degree << std::endl;

            const MappingQ<dim> mapping (degree);

            GridOut grid_out;
            GridOutFlags::Gnuplot gnuplot_flags(false, 30);

            std::string filename = filename_base+"_mapping_q";
            filename += ('0'+degree);
            filename += ".dat";
            std::ofstream gnuplot_file (filename.c_str());

            grid_out.write_gnuplot (triangulation, gnuplot_file, &mapping);
        std::cout << std::endl;

  template <int dim>
  void compute_pi_by_area ()
    std::cout << "Computation of Pi by the area:" << std::endl
              << "==============================" << std::endl;

    // const QGauss<dim> quadrature(4);
		for (double R=0.45; R < 0.5; R += 0.005)
		  for (unsigned int degree=1; degree<11; ++degree)
		      std::cout << "Radius = " << R << std::endl;
		      std::cout << "Degree = " << degree << std::endl;

		      Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
		      // GridGenerator::hyper_ball (triangulation);

		      // new lines
					Geom_parameters gp;
					unsigned int curved_faces_label=10;
					cell_rod ( triangulation, 1.0, R, gp, false );
					static const SphericalManifold<dim> boundary;
					triangulation.set_manifold ( curved_faces_label, boundary ); // labels defined with the grid
		      // triangulation.set_all_manifold_ids_on_boundary (0);
		      const MappingQ<dim> mapping (degree, true);
					const QGauss<dim> quadrature(degree);
		      // const FE_Q<dim>     dummy_fe (1);
					const FE_Q<dim> dummy_fe (QGaussLobatto<1>(degree + 1));
		      DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler (triangulation);

		      FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, dummy_fe, quadrature,

		      ConvergenceTable table;
		      // No refinements
		      for (unsigned int refinement=0; refinement<1;
		           ++refinement, triangulation.refine_global (1))
		          table.add_value("cells", triangulation.n_active_cells());

		          dof_handler.distribute_dofs (dummy_fe);

		          long double area = 0;
		          typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
		          cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
		          endc = dof_handler.end();
		          for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
		            	double r = cell->center ().distance(Point<dim>(0,0));
		              fe_values.reinit (cell);
		              for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++i) {
		                if (r < R) 	
		                	area += fe_values.JxW (i);
		          double new_area = area/(R*R);
		          table.add_value("eval.pi", static_cast<double> (new_area));
		          table.add_value("error",   static_cast<double> (std::fabs(new_area-pi)));
		          DataOut<dim> data_out;
							data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
							Vector<double> dummy ( dof_handler.n_dofs() );
		          string name = "grid";
		          data_out.add_data_vector (dummy, name );
		          std::ostringstream ss;	
		          ss <<"grid_R" << R << "_p" << degree << "_ref" << refinement << ".vtk";
		          std::ofstream output (ss.str().c_str());
							data_out.build_patches (mapping, 8, DataOut<dim>::curved_inner_cells);
							data_out.write_vtk (output);
		      table.set_precision("eval.pi", 16);
		      table.set_scientific("error", true);

		      std::cout << std::endl;

int main ()
      std::cout.precision (16);
      Step10::compute_pi_by_area<2> ();
  catch (std::exception &exc)
      std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
                << exc.what() << std::endl
                << "Aborting!" << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;

      return 1;
  catch (...)
      std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
                << "Aborting!" << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      return 1;

  return 0;

#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_in.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_reordering.h>
// #include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>

#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <map>

#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

using namespace dealii;
using namespace std;

struct Geom_parameters {
   * model: geometric configuration, parameters must be dependent on the model problem
  unsigned int n_scatterers, scatterers_coarse_cells, n_balls, coated_coarse_cells, defective_index;
  double coat_radius;
  bool coated=false;
  bool defect=false;
  bool defect_n2=false;
  vector< Point<2> > ball_centers;
  vector<double> radius;
  vector<double> radius_PML;
  vector<unsigned int> ball_labels;
  // double a;
  string name;

// In the article "Spectral approximation of quadratic operator polynomials arising in photonic band structure calculations", Christian Engström 2012,
// This mesh is used with R=0.475 and exponential convergence is obtained.
// Check figure 1, and figure 3 on the mentioned paper.
// Software Concepts:

void cell_rod (	Triangulation<2> &tria, double L, double r, // 2*r/L < 1.0
				Geom_parameters &gp, bool mesh_out)
	double l = 0.5*L, d = 0.5*r, q=1.0/sqrt(2.0); // q: corner points factor
	const unsigned int n = 2, n_vert = 24+1, n_cell = 19+1;
  bool info = false, plot_eps = true;	// for printing cells, faces and vertex values
	int fv = 4, fc = 1; // f: fixed, displacement of index on the vertexes and cells ... inner objects
	// geometric information-----------------------
			gp.n_scatterers = 1;
			gp.scatterers_coarse_cells = 12;
			gp.n_balls = 1; // just one Manifold ... everything centered at origin
			gp.ball_centers.resize( gp.n_balls );

			gp.ball_centers[0] = Point<2>( 0.0, 0.0 ); = "cell_rod";
			if(mesh_out) printf("%% defined by using %d balls\n", gp.n_balls);
	std::vector<Point<2> > vertices(n_vert);
	vertices[0]   = Point<2>(  0.0,   0.0 );
	// inner 4 squares
	vertices[1]   = Point<2>(     d,   0.0 );
	vertices[2]   = Point<2>(  .5*d,  .5*d );
	vertices[3]   = Point<2>(   0.0,    d  );
	vertices[4]   = Point<2>( -.5*d,  .5*d );
	vertices[5]   = Point<2>(    -d,   0.0 );
	vertices[6]   = Point<2>( -.5*d, -.5*d );
	vertices[7]   = Point<2>(   0.0,   -d  );
	vertices[8]   = Point<2>(  .5*d, -.5*d );
	// touching circle
	vertices[9]   = Point<2>(     r,  0.0 );
	vertices[10]  = Point<2>(   r*q,  r*q );
	vertices[11]   = Point<2>(  0.0,   r  );
	vertices[12]  = Point<2>(  -r*q,  r*q );
	vertices[13]  = Point<2>(    -r,  0.0 );
	vertices[14]  = Point<2>(  -r*q, -r*q );
	vertices[15]  = Point<2>(   0.0,  -r  );
	vertices[16]  = Point<2>(   r*q, -r*q );
	vertices[17]  = Point<2>(     l,  0.0 );
	vertices[18]  = Point<2>(     l,  l   );
	vertices[19]  = Point<2>(   0.0,  l   );
	vertices[20]  = Point<2>(    -l,  l   );
	vertices[21]  = Point<2>(    -l, 0.0  );
	vertices[22]  = Point<2>(    -l, -l   );
	vertices[23]  = Point<2>(   0.0, -l   );
	vertices[24]  = Point<2>(     l, -l   );
	//vertices[]  = Point<2>(   ,  );
	std::vector< std::vector<int> > cell_v (n_cell, std::vector<int>(4));
  cell_v[0][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 0
	cell_v[0][1]  =  8;
	cell_v[0][2]  =  2;
	cell_v[0][3]  =  1;

	cell_v[1][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 1
	cell_v[1][1]  =  2;
	cell_v[1][2]  =  4;
	cell_v[1][3]  =  3;

	cell_v[2][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 2
	cell_v[2][1]  =  4;
	cell_v[2][2]  =  6;
	cell_v[2][3]  =  5;

	cell_v[3][0]  =  0;	// cell, i = 3
	cell_v[3][1]  =  6;
	cell_v[3][2]  =  8;
	cell_v[3][3]  =  7;
	cell_v[4][0]  =  8;	// cell, i = 4
	cell_v[4][1]  =  16;
	cell_v[4][2]  =  1;
	cell_v[4][3]  =  9;
	cell_v[5][0]  =  2;	// cell, i = 5
	cell_v[5][1]  =  1;
	cell_v[5][2]  =  10;
	cell_v[5][3]  =  9;
	cell_v[6][0]  =  2;	// cell, i = 6
	cell_v[6][1]  =  10;
	cell_v[6][2]  =  3;
	cell_v[6][3]  =  11;
	cell_v[7][0]  =  4;	// cell, i = 7
	cell_v[7][1]  =  3;
	cell_v[7][2]  =  12;
	cell_v[7][3]  =  11;

	cell_v[8][0]  =  4;	// cell, i = 8
	cell_v[8][1]  =  12;
	cell_v[8][2]  =  5;
	cell_v[8][3]  =  13;

	cell_v[9][0]  =  6;	// cell, i = 9
	cell_v[9][1]  =  5;
	cell_v[9][2]  =  14;
	cell_v[9][3]  =  13;
	cell_v[10][0]  =  6;	// cell, i = 10
	cell_v[10][1]  =  14;
	cell_v[10][2]  =  7;
	cell_v[10][3]  =  15;
	cell_v[11][0]  =  8;	// cell, i = 11
	cell_v[11][1]  =  7;
	cell_v[11][2]  =  16;
	cell_v[11][3]  =  15;
  // cell 12
	cell_v[12][0]  =  16;	// cell, i = 12
	cell_v[12][1]  =  24;
	cell_v[12][2]  =  9;
	cell_v[12][3]  =  17;
  // cell 13
	cell_v[13][0]  =  10;	// cell, i = 13
	cell_v[13][1]  =  9;
	cell_v[13][2]  =  18;
	cell_v[13][3]  =  17;
  // cell 14
	cell_v[14][0]  =  10;	// cell, i = 14
	cell_v[14][1]  =  18;
	cell_v[14][2]  =  11;
	cell_v[14][3]  =  19;
	// cell 15
	cell_v[15][0]  =  12;	// cell, i = 15
	cell_v[15][1]  =  11;
	cell_v[15][2]  =  20;
	cell_v[15][3]  =  19;
  // cell 16
	cell_v[16][0]  =  12;	// cell, i = 16
	cell_v[16][1]  =  20;
	cell_v[16][2]  =  13;
	cell_v[16][3]  =  21;
  // cell 17
	cell_v[17][0]  =  14;	// cell, i = 17
	cell_v[17][1]  =  13;
	cell_v[17][2]  =  22;
	cell_v[17][3]  =  21;
  // cell 18
	cell_v[18][0]  =  14;	// cell, i = 18
	cell_v[18][1]  =  22;
	cell_v[18][2]  =  15;
	cell_v[18][3]  =  23;
  // cell 19
	cell_v[19][0]  =  16;	// cell, i = 
	cell_v[19][1]  =  15;
	cell_v[19][2]  =  24;
	cell_v[19][3]  =  23;
	if (info) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_cell; ++i)
			if(info) printf("cell[%d] = (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", i, cell_v[i][0], cell_v[i][1],cell_v[i][2],cell_v[i][3]);

  std::vector<CellData<2> > cells (n_cell, CellData<2>());
  unsigned int cell_idx = 0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < n_cell; ++i) {
    	// printf("%d: ", i);
      for (unsigned int j=0; j < 4; ++j) {
        cells[i].vertices[j] = cell_v[i][j];
        if(info) printf("%d  ",cell_v[i][j]);
      if(info) printf(";\n");
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < n_vert; ++i) {
    if(info) printf("  %f,  %f;\n", vertices[i][0],vertices[i][1] );
  if(info) printf("\n\n");
  //printf("after grid ordering\n");
  tria.create_triangulation (
    std::vector<Point<2> >(&vertices[0], &vertices[n_vert]),
    SubCellData());       // no boundary information
  if(info) printf("after creating triangulation\n");
  // colorizing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  double eps = 1e-5, mid;
  unsigned int label=10;
   // cell way
	for (Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator
					cell = tria.begin_active(); cell!=tria.end(); ++cell)
		// cell->set_all_manifold_ids (label);
		for (unsigned int f=0;
					f < GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;++f) {
			const Point<2> face_center = cell->face(f)->center(),
				p0 = cell->face(f)->vertex(0) , p1 = cell->face(f)->vertex(1);
			double d0 = p0.distance( Point<2>( 0.0,0.0 ) ), d1 = p1.distance( Point<2>( 0.0,0.0 ) );
			if(info) printf(" f=%d, dist=%f\n", f, cell->face(f)->center().distance( Point<2>( 0.0,0.0 ) ) );
			if( (cell->face(f)->center().distance( Point<2>( 0.0,0.0 )) - mid) < eps ) {
				if(info) printf(" ... set one! ... dist=%f\n", 
					cell->face(f)->center().distance( Point<2>( 0.0,0.0 ) ) );
						cell->face(f)->set_all_manifold_ids (label+1);
			} // if face of circle
			if ( abs((d0+d1)-2*r) < eps ) { // disk faces
				cell->face(f)->set_all_manifold_ids (label);
			} // outer faces
		} // face
		if ( cell->center().distance( Point<2>( 0.0,0.0 ) ) < eps ) { // eliminating origin
			cell->set_all_manifold_ids (label+1);
	} // cell
  // end-colorizing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if(mesh_out) { // printing the resulting geometry
		//printf("printing original mesh to eps ... \n");
		std::ofstream gridfile ("coarse.eps");
		GridOut grid_out;
		grid_out.write_eps (tria, gridfile);
		// printing vertices
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_vert; j++) {
			printf("\t%.3f, %.3f;\n", vertices[j](0), vertices[j](1));
		// printing cell indexes
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_cell; j++) {
			printf("\t%d, %d,%d, %d;\n", cell_v[j][0], cell_v[j][1], cell_v[j][2], cell_v[j][3] );

void cell_rod (	Triangulation<2> &tria, double L, double diameter_ratio) {
		Geom_parameters gp;
		cell_rod (	tria, L, diameter_ratio, gp, false);

void cell_rod (	Triangulation<2> &tria, double L, double diameter_ratio,
								 									Geom_parameters &gp) {
		cell_rod (	tria, L, diameter_ratio, gp, false);

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