Re: [deal.II] Mesh refinement and the ability to transfer the data to the quadrature points of the new mesh on parallel::shared::triangulation.

2020-04-22 Thread Marc Fehling
Hi Alberto!

If I understood you correctly, you transfer quadrature point data, with the 
`SolutionTransfer` class which is meant to transfer finite element 

A different class dedicated to the transfer of quadrature point data 
already exists: It is called `TransferableQuadraturePointData`. Examples on 
how to use that feature can be found in 

You could also use the `CellDataTransfer` class to transfer cell related 
data, i.e. stored as `Vector>` in your case if I interpreted 
your code correctly. However, this particular feature is only available in 
the current `master` branch of the library and has not been released yet.

Hope this gives you some more options to find a solution!


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Re: [deal.II] Mesh refinement and the ability to transfer the data to the quadrature points of the new mesh on parallel::shared::triangulation.

2020-04-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth

Hi Alberto,
that's too much code for anyone to look through -- do you think you could come 
up with a minimal, self-contained testcase that shows the problem? It's 
entirely possible that there is a bug, but it would be very useful to have a 
self-contained program that demonstrates it and that others can use for debugging.


On 4/21/20 10:03 AM, Alberto Salvadori wrote:

Dear community

I have been struggling in these days on the mesh refinement. I am encountering 
a problem that, so far, I just was unable to sort out.

Therefore, I wonder i f I can get some help.

Shortly: I want to refine my mesh for a vector problem in mechanics. After 
solving the problem on an initial grid, the solution is stored in the 
std::vector< double > *this*->accumulated_displacement
Moreover, I collected some further data in a constitutive class, 
MechanicalModels_FiniteDifference_Integrator* pmech;
associated to the cell->user_pointer()) pointer . On refinement, I aim at 
interpolating the solution and the data at the Gauss points, too.

This problem has been the subject of a few discussions and suggestions have 
been provided for parallel::distributed::triangulations. At present I am still 
using parallel::shared , though.

The step-26 shows very clearly how to deal with refinement and solution 
update. In fact, I copied the approach and it works very well.
The code gallery example 'Goal-oriented mesh adaptivity in elastoplasticity 
problems' seems to address the problem of how to propagate GP data. Being 
inspired by it, I wrote some code, that I am attaching below.

It turns out that it works well on 1 processor, but it fails in parallel. To 
test the code, I run a trivial test in which a uniform tensor

Fatq [ q_point ] = 1,0.15, 0, 0, 1.05, 0,0, 0.1,1

is stored at all GPs. After refinement on 1 processor, all GPs of the new 
triangulation have the same tensor Fatq. Once running on 4 processor, though, 
a print of Fatqs at processor 0 shows the following:

Problem LargeStrainMechanicsSolver_OneField_WithRemeshing defined

    Reading material parameters from file ../input/mech_test_hex.materials ...

    Reading refinement parameters from file 
../input/mech_test_hex.msh_refinement ...  done

    Reading time discretization parameters from file 
../input/mech_test_hex.time_discretization ...  done

   Time = 0., step =        0


    Reading discretization from file ../input/mech_test_hex.msh ...  done

    Number of active cells:       8 (by partition: 2+2+2+2)

    Number of degrees of freedom: 81 (by partition: 36+18+18+9)

    Dirichlet faces: 24, Neumann faces (with non-zero tractions): 0, contact 
faces: 0

     NR it. 0, Assembling..., convergence achieved.

     Writing output...,     0.00 s. Elapsed time     0.02 s.

   Time = 0.0500, step =        1

   Refinement level: 0:

    Number of active cells:       8 (by partition: 2+2+2+2)

    Number of degrees of freedom: 81 (by partition: 36+18+18+9)

    Dirichlet faces: 24, symmetry faces: 0

    Dirichlet faces: 24, Neumann faces (with non-zero tractions): 0, contact 
faces: 0

     NR it. 0, Assembling...,     0.00 s, norm of residual is 
6034.853338302001248 Bicgstab , solver converged in 0 iterations,     0.01 s, 
updating q. p. data,     0.00 s.

     NR it. 1, Assembling...,     0.00 s, norm of residual is
0.102 residual / initial_residual    0.000, 
convergence achieved.

   Refinement level: 1:

    Refining the grid, refined and coarsened fixed number, limited the 
refinement levels, executed coarsening and refinement, displacements 
transferred, quadrature_point_fields_trans interpolated,

Fatq [ q_point ] =                    0,                    0,
     0,                    0,                    0,                    0,  
               0,                    0,                    0

Fatq [ q_point ] =                    0,                    0,
     0,                    0,                    0,                    0,  
               0,                    0,                    0

Fatq [ q_point ] =                    0,                    0,
     0,                    0,                    0,                    0,  
               0,                    0,                    0

Fatq [ q_point ] =                    0,                    0,
     0,                    0,                    0,                    0,  
               0,                    0,                    0

Fatq [ q_point ] =                    0,                    0,
     0,                    0,                    0,                    0,  
               0,                    0,                    0

Fatq [ q_point ] =                    0,                    0,
     0,                    0,                    0,                    0,  