Hello all,

I am trying to solve a mechanics problem in a 2D parallelogram (reference 
body) in a 3D space. In doing so I have started with
generating grids and just want to plot it in eps file. I am expecting a 
parallelogram at z=0 surface in a 3D space.  However, when
 I execute the command write_eps I get the following error (in blue). The 
piece of the code for triangulation and save eps is in 
the below. I shall be thankful if someone can suggest what is going wrong.


dim = 3;
codim = dim-1;
Triangulation<codim, dim>        triangulation;

template <int dim>  void Solid<dim>::make_grid()
std::vector< unsigned int > repetitions(codim, 135);
const Point<codim> bottom_left = (Point<codim>(0.0, 0.0));
const Point<codim> top_right = (Point<codim>(15.0, 45.0));

GridTools::transform(&grid_y_transform<dim>, triangulation);

template <int dim>
  Point<dim> grid_y_transform (const Point<dim> &pt_in)
      const double &x = pt_in[0];
       double tan_theta = 0.5413861341550015;
      Point<dim> pt_out = pt_in;
      pt_out[1] += x*tan_theta;
      return pt_out;

template <int dim>  void Solid<dim>::output_results() const
     std::ofstream out ("grid-1.eps");
     GridOut grid_out;
    grid_out.write_eps (triangulation, out);

An error occurred in line <3439> of file 
</opt/deal.II/tmp/unpack/deal.II-v8.4.1/source/grid/grid_out.cc> in function
    void dealii::internal::{anonymous}::write_eps(const 
dealii::Triangulation<2, 3>&, std::ostream&, const dealii::Mapping<2, 3>*, 
const dealii::GridOutFlags::Eps<2>&, const dealii::GridOutFlags::Eps<3>&)
The violated condition was: 
The name and call sequence of the exception was:

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