May 14

TEXAS----impending execution

Death row inmate loses Supreme Court appeal

A Texas death-row inmate facing execution this week lost an appeal today
to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Justices refused to review the case of Charles Edward Smith, who's set to
die Wednesday evening in Huntsville.

The state plans to put Smith to death for the August 1988 slaying of Pecos
County Sheriff's Deputy Tim Hudson.

The 61-year-old deputy was 9 months from retirement after a 30-year West
Texas and New Mexico law enforcement career.

Hudson was gunned down while trying to top a stolen van containing Smith
and his cousin, Carroll Smith, on Interstate 10 west of Fort Stockton in
West Texas. The pair had escaped from a Kansas prison.

The 41-year-old Smith would be the 14th Texas prisoner to die this year in
the nation's most active capital punishment state.

Smith's cousin, now 50, pleaded guilty and took a life prison term. His
1st parole eligibility in 2003 was turned down. He's eligible for another
parole review in 2009.

(source: Associated Press)


Dunlap's death sentence upheld

The Colorado Supreme Court today upheld the conviction of Nathan Dunlap in
the 1993 slayings of 4 employees at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in Aurora
and ordered that the court set a date for Dunlap's execution.

Killed in the Dec. 14, 1993, shooting spree were Ben Grant, 17; Colleen
O'Connor, 17; Sylvia Crowell, 19; and Margaret Kohlberg, 50.

Dunlap claimed that he had not received adequate representation from his
lawyers during the trial.

In the 115-page ruling written by Justice Nancy Rice, the state high court
noted that Dunlap raised 27 issues on appeal. Many were claims that he was
denied his constitutional right to effective assistance of counsel at both
the guilt and penalty phases of trial.

A lower court had ruled that Dunlap's two trial attorneys, Forrest Lewis
and Steven Gayle, performed deficiently by failing to conduct an adequate
mental-health mitigation investigation and by not objecting to a portion
of the prosecution's penalty-phase closing argument. The judge said these
2 instances of substandard performance didn't individually or together
affect Dunlap's trial.

The Supreme Court said it agreed with prosecutors that Lewis and Gayle
were diligent in their defense of Dunlap.

"We agree with that the action's of Dunlap's trial counsel did not fall
below the constitutionally required level of performance," Rice wrote. "As
such, Dunlap was not denied his constitutional right to effective
assistance of counsel and is not entitled to post-conviction relief on
those grounds."

Rice also said that Dunlap's other contentions of error were groundless.

As a result of the decision, the Supreme Court said a stay on Dunlap's
execution would be lifted. The case was sent back to the trial court to
set a date for the execution.

Phil Cherner, one of Dunlap's appellate attorneys, said Dunlap is far from
finished in pursuing his appeals.

"Mr. Dunlap will seek a stay of execution while he requests the Colorado
Supreme Court to reconsider its ruling," Cherner said. "We will also seek
relief in the federal courts if necessary. We continue to believe our
appeal has merit and will eventually prevail."

Dunlap was arrested hours after the shootings.

Evidence showed that Dunlap, who had been fired from a job at the
restaurant a few months earlier, had boasted to his friends and
acquaintances that he would return and get his vengeance.

The murder trial was moved to Colorado Springs because of the publicity
surrounding the case.

The trial began in January 1996, and on Feb. 26, 1996, the jury found
Dunlap guilty of 4 counts of 1st-degree murder.

After a week-long death penalty hearing, the same jury unanimously agreed
Dunlap deserved 4 death penalties, one for each of the victims gunned down
at the pizza parlor.

(source: Denver Post)


SC Supreme Court upholds death sentence for man in 2003 killing

The state Supreme Court says a man convicted of murdering and sexually
assaulting a Spartanburg woman whose naked body was found stabbed in an
apple orchard will face the death penalty.

Frederick Antonio Evins was seeking to overturn his conviction and death
sentence for killing Rhonda Ward in February 2003.

During his trial, Evins testified he stabbed Ward in self-defense when she
attacked him with a knife after they had sex in the orchard.

A month after his arrest, authorities charged Evins in another woman's

Police said DNA evidence linked him to the September 2002 strangling of
Damaris Adams Huff.

Her body was found in a Spartanburg park.

(source: Associated Press)


Mother charged in 2 officer slayings over land dispute wants bail

The 74-year-old mother charged as an accessory to murder in the deaths of
2 law enforcement officers slain by her son is set to ask a judge for bail
Tuesday, attorneys said.

Bail was originally denied for Rita Bixby when prosecutors sought the
death penalty against her, saying she knew that her son, Steven Bixby, was
planning to kill any officer who set foot on the family's land. The state
wanted the land to widen a highway near the family's Abbeville home in
northwestern South Carolina.

Last month, the state Supreme Court ruled that the crime with which Rita
Bixby was charged did not qualify for the death penalty.

"Now that it's not a death penalty case, she should be reviewed like any
other defendant," Bixby attorney Jeff Bloom said.

Bloom said he will also ask Judge Alexander Macaulay to set a trial date.
Bixby has been held at the Greenwood County jail for more than 3 years,
charged in the December 2003 slayings of Abbeville County sheriff's Sgt.
Danny Wilson and state Constable Donnie Ouzts.

Prosecutors say the officers were killed over a 20-foot patch of land the
state wanted for the highway project. The shootings led to a daylong
standoff with police.

Steven Bixby was sentenced to death in February for murdering the law
enforcement officers. Rita Bixby testified during his trial that she was
proud of him.

"He has the right to protect his property by any means necessary," she
told jurors then.

Prosecutor Jerry Peace said he would argue against her bail request.

"We will oppose because she's a danger to the community and a flight
risk," he said.

Rita Bixby's husband, Arthur, also has been charged with murder in the
officers' deaths and was being held without bail. Prosecutors intend to
seek the death penalty against him. His trial date has not been scheduled.

(source: Associated Press)


Life in deaths shadow ---- Condemned inmates face sorrow, regret.

One after another, the condemned men arrive.

Usually, this spartan room - deep inside the concrete-and-razor-wire
fortress that is Potosi Correctional Center, Missouri's maximum-security
prison - is used for parole hearings. But on this day, 5 CPs (capital
punishment offenders) have agreed to be interviewed.

These are men who live in the shadow of death, even as shadows hang over
the death penalty itself. Although a majority of Americans still favor
executions, polls show a dip in support - perhaps because death-row
prisoners have been proved innocent by DNA tests or because of doubts
about whether methods of execution are humane.

The debate, not surprisingly, reverberates on death row, but in a very
personal way. Every day, these men struggle with the knowledge of how -
though not when - they are likely to die.

They tell their stories, they share their fears.

And as they do, a staff sergeant watches their every move.

-Jeffrey Ferguson worries who will care for his aging parents. It won't be

He's next in line to be executed, for a 1989 murder he doesn't remember.

Back then, he'd drink until he was unconscious - a case of beer a day,
some vodka. Add a little cocaine. He'd been drinking heavily since his
days in the Army in Europe. But he ran a business and didn't own a gun.

"The night of the crime, I dont remember going out with these guys," he
says. "I dont know how I got back from there. All I know is somewhere
along the way we picked up a girl and killed her for whatever reason."

He's not guilty of 1st-degree murder, he insists - he was an alcoholic,
and out of it. But those days are long gone; the man who described himself
as "Happy-Go-Lucky Jeff" was sobered and shaken by the death sentence.

"Ive gone through all the stages," he says. "Anxiety attacks. I couldnt
sleep. I didnt think of anything else, but I gave it to God finally,
completely. It takes years."

He says he came to terms with dying, and life after death. Now, hes just
waiting for an execution date.

He is 52 years old. He tries to console his parents, his ex-wife, their
two children and three grandchildren.

"Ive hurt a lot of people by my actions. Ive had to forgive myself ... or
Id keep reliving this, and thats a sin too. So, there's a lot of suffering
going on."

Since arriving at Potosi in 1992, he's seen dozens of friends and
acquaintances taken away to be executed. Some, he believes, were innocent.

He volunteers with the prison's hospice program, feeding, changing,
showering and sitting with dying inmates.

"Nobody should die alone in prison. It's about the worst it gets."

Roderick Nunley is not looking forward to execution, but he doesn't dwell
on it, either.

"I'm mentally prepared to deal with it," he says.

Nunley, 41, doesn't allow himself anxiety or fear. "I can't afford to feel
such a feeling. This is not a place to be emotional in. That's a sign of
weakness, I think. In prison it is."

When Nunley was a boy, his father left the family just before his beloved
older brother, his "rock," died of spinal meningitis. Sometime after that,
he says, something - he won't say what - happened that left him vulnerable
to drugs.

In 1989, when he and Michael Taylor abducted 15-year-old Ann Harrison -
when they raped and killed her - he'd been strung out on cocaine for days,
he says.

Otherwise, thered be "no way in the world Id have been involved."

"I can't erase what happened," he says. "If I could, I would. If I could
give my life for hers, I'd bring that little girl back."

But he can't. And he knows nothing he can say can bring solace to the
girls family or restore his own wasted life. He thinks about it sometimes,
just as he thinks about his children, forced to "deal with things that I
feel in my heart they wouldnt be dealing with had I not messed my life up.
I've failed them."

On this day, he is controlled and emotionally blank. He later apologizes,
in a letter with neatly penned cursive, for "looking like a madman" in
need of a shave and a haircut - luxuries he has been allowed only once a
month since he was placed in "the hole," in solitary confinement, for
stabbing a prison employee without warning in January 2006.

He says he has no memory of it; prison officials wondered if the attack
was triggered by his anxiety when the state set an execution date for

At his own execution, he does not want his mother to be a witness.

"I caused her enough pain," he says quietly.

"If I do get executed, it's like I tell my daughter and sons: Dont cry and
feel sorry for me. If anything, cry and be happy for me cause Ill be free
of this.' Im not happy here."

Michael Tisius spends his days drawing pencil and charcoal portraits and
poring over European history and art books: "I can't even picture myself
in any situation of harm or violence ... being the person who would
inflict it."

If he wasn't in prison, in solitary confinement, Tisius says he'd be a
tattoo artist. No fewer than 42 cover his skinny, pale body.

But this is where he is, and this is where he will remain until his

Tisius didn't know his father, fought with his mother and wasn't close to
his half-siblings. He dropped out of school, ran wild and ended up in the
Randolph County Jail in Huntsville, where he shared a cell with Roy Vance.
Spring me when you get out, Vance pleaded. On June 22, 2000, the
19-year-old obliged - and killed 2 guards who got in the way.

Vance "was pretty much the only family I had," he says.

"I mean, he wasnt family, but he treated me like family. He was like an
older brother. I wasnt going to lose my own family."

He's 26 now. Over time, he's taken responsibility for his actions, but he
knows he can't undo them. And he hasn't asked the guards' families to
forgive him: "It would be like reopening the wound. I mean, I put myself
in their situation."

"Everybody plays the what-if game, but there's not a whole lot of point to
it," he says. "If you spend your time questioning what you did, then
you're going to miss what you can do."

Execution? A "cop-out," he says. Easier than life in prison.

Execution means "I don't have to deal with what I did ... with the pain
... with the people Ive hurt and ... with anyone hurting me anymore."

Martin Link is innocent, he insists. He's no angel, but kill a child? "I
didn't do it," he says. "A kid? Come on, I've got a kid of my own."

The child was 11-year-old Elissa Self - abducted, raped and murdered in
1991. Link denies it all - the prosecutors were overzealous, the DNA
testing was faulty, the evidence circumstantial.

"Politician prosecutors just wanted somebody," he says. "They don't care
who it is." On this day, the 16th anniversary of the murder, Link is
emotionally flat.

"Do I own it? No, uh, uh. Nope.

"I was no saint. I was on a crime spree, they said. I was cashing checks,
robbing. I was on a self-destruct mission. I never denied it, but I'm not
a killer."

Link, a small, wiry man, grew up fatherless. He was kicked out of school
in 10th grade; hed already started using drugs at age 14, and his drug use

Link, 44, has 2 or 3 appeals left. "You got to keep hope. You got to learn
to deal with it over time," but "I don't think there is no such thing as
finding peace."

Links daily routine of work, TV and lifting weights helps him cope. He
tries to lie low.

"Im just myself," he says. "Some like me. Some hate me. Aint much I can do
about it. That's the way of the world, the same way as on the streets."

He says it's ludicrous to think the death penalty deters crime.

"They do first and ask questions later," he says.

"They always say the family wants closure on a particular case. Its not
closure they want, its revenge. The death penalty is revenge."

Chuck Mathenia wants to be executed, but he can't be.

And so he paces in Potosis special needs unit.

Mathenia was 25 when he killed his former lover, Daisy Nash, and her
mentally impaired sister, Louanna Bailey, in 1984. Both were in their 70s.

Hes technically still under a death sentence for the murders. But he is
mentally retarded. And so, in 1994, a judge declared him not competent for

That puts him in an odd kind of purgatory - a very high-security, rigid
confinement with no relief of death in sight.

"Im trying to get executed, but I aint getting nowhere ... ," he says. "I
want to be executed more than anything. Sure do."

As much as he'd like to leave it, prison is the only steady home
Mathenia's had. His parents died when he was 6 years old - he was never
told how - so Mathenia says he cast about the Ozark foothills, from
abusive aunt to alcoholic uncle to his sisters place and beyond.

Then, when he was 18, he met Daisy Nash, who gave him a place to live. He
mowed her lawn, helped around the place. But she wanted more, he says, and
they lived together for seven years, until Nashs family urged her to force
him out.

He stabbed Nash with a butcher knife, rode his 10-speed bicycle to
Bailey's house and killed her, too.

Nash "didnt deserve to die," he acknowledges now.

Guards and Mathenia's attorney say he is so disconnected from reality that
he couldnt be pulled away from watching "Jailhouse Rock" the night he won
a stay of execution in '93.

A huge Elvis Presley fan, he'd been watching nonstop movies in the death
watch cell. These days, hes not interested in television. Hes "just tired
of being locked up."

"It don't make no sense, you know? Being on death row and you can't get
executed. And, you can't get off of death row. It's kind of messed up.

"I got to pay for my crimes anyway. Ain't nothin' to it, really. Can't
live forever anyway."

(source: Associated Press)


Court ruling hinders death row appeals

The US Supreme Court on Monday made it more difficult for death row
prisoners to challenge their sentences, as 2 new conservative justices
appointed by President George W. Bush made clear their hostility to such

The recent addition of the 2 new Bush appointees, chief justice John
Roberts and justice Samuel Alito, may have substantially shifted the
balance of power on the court on death penalty issues, experts said.

Before their appointment, the court had done much to chip away at the
edifice of the death penalty, by insisting on improvements in legal
representation for capital defendants and ruling unconstitutional the
application of capital punishment to juveniles and the mentally retarded.

At the same time, the US public has been demonstrating growing unease
about the way prisoners are executed in many states  and the possibility
that some might be innocent.

A nationwide Gallup poll last year showed a significant drop in public
support for the death penalty: it showed Americans evenly divided over the
best punishment for murder, death or a life sentence without parole, after
many years in which capital punishment was strongly preferred. Executions
last year fell to their lowest level in a decade.

The 5-4 ruling split the court into conservative and liberal camps, and
appears to signal that the Supreme Court is no longer going to insist so
aggressively that capital defendants  most of whom do not have the money
to pay a top-class lawyer  get a competent defence.

Monday's case tested the duty of defence attorneys to find mitigating
evidence that could persuade a jury to spare a capital defendant's life.
The court ruled that a man, who refused to let his lawyer present
mitigating evidence from certain witnesses, did not have the right to
challenge his sentence on the grounds that his lawyer did not do a good
enough job defending him.

The prisoner claimed that he did not have effective assistance of counsel,
as required by the US constitution, because his lawyer did not, among
other things, uncover evidence that he had a serious brain disorder.

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, said the man did not
deserve a new hearing because he "would have undermined the presentation
of any mitigating evidence that his attorney might have uncovered".

The court's 4 liberal members issued a stinging dissent: "The court's
decision rests on a parsimonious appraisal of a capital defendant's
constitutional right to have the sentencing decision reflect meaningful
consideration of all relevant mitigating evidence," Justice John Paul
Stevens wrote for the dissenters. He said a psychological evaluation of
the man "would have uncovered...a serious organic brain disorder".

(source: The Financial Times)

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