Sept. 14


Hudson murder trial could face lengthy delay

William Hudson, 33, has been indicted on 3 counts of capital murder in the massacre of 2 families at a hunting campsite in the East Texas town of Tennessee Colony.

Health problems suffered by William Mitchell Hudson's attorney could delay the trial of the accused murderer for weeks. Hudson's lawyer, Stephen Evans, was hospitalized on Tuesday for an undisclosed health matter and remained under medical care on Wednesday.

The trial, set for Sept. 25, will take place in Bryan College Station. The final pre-trial hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Sept. 21. That hearing is still on the docket, said Judge Mark Calhoon, who will preside over the trial.

Hudson is represented by Evans and defense attorney Jeff Herrington. Hudson will be tried for the November 2015 murders of six people: the Johnson and Kamp families, who were spending the weekend in Tennessee Colony at a campsite.

Thomas Kamp had purchased the campsite from a relative of William Mitchell Hudson, adjacent to property owned by Hudson and his family. Hudson helped the Kamp/Johnson group with a vehicle stuck in the mud; he was invited to hang out with the family at its campsite.

After a night of drinking with Hudson, events reportedly became violent. Cynthia Johnson survived a night of horror, before contacting Anderson County law enforcement the following morning.

Law-enforcement officers and first-responders found the bodies of Carl Johnson and his daughter in a travel trailer at the campsite; the other victims were in a pond on Hudson's property. All of the victims were shot to death, except Hannah Johnson, who was killed with blunt force.

Hudson was arrested and charged with 3 counts of capital murder for killing 6 people. He was indicted in December 2015 for the capital murders of Carl Johnson, 76; his daughter, Hannah Johnson, 40; his grandson, Kade, 6; Thomas Kamp, 45; and his 2 sons, Nathan Kamp, 23, and Austin Kamp, 21.

In a February 2016 arraignment, Hudson plead "not guilty" to all 3 counts of capital murder.

On Jan. 23, according to court records, District Attorney Allyson Mitchell filed a State of Notice to Seek the Death Penalty. The next day, Mitchell signed documents stating that the court had officially moved to Bryan in Brazos County for the change of venue.

Hudson spent 2 weeks in a hospital in Tyler in July. Speculation that Hudson attempted suicide has not been confirmed by the court, the Anderson County Jail or Sheriff Taylor.



Death sentence upheld in Warren execution-style slaying

The Ohio Supreme Court has upheld the death penalty for the man convicted of murdering a Warren man and kidnapping a woman during a robbery.

The court affirmed the death sentence for David Martin on Wednesday, just 1 day before Martin will turn 33-years-old.

Martin has been on death row since 2014 when he was sentenced by a judge in Trumbull County on convictions of aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder, aggravated robbery, kidnapping and tampering with evidence.

Investigators say Martin shot 21-year-old Jeremy Cole execution style and wounded Melissa Putnam during an attempted robbery in Warren in 2012.

According to investigators, after Martin tied up both victims, Melissa Putnam heard a shot then saw Martin standing over her.

Putnam put her hand over her face and said, "Please don't shoot me in the face." Martin said, "I'm sorry, Missy," and shot her, according to court records.

The bullet passed through Putnam's right hand and entered her neck, leaving fragments in the right side of her neck near the base of her skull.

On the day of the sentencing, Assistant Prosecutor Chris Becker described Martin as a cold-blooded killer and a life-long criminal.

Among other issues, Martin's attorney questions whether an impartial jury was seated to hear the case due to pretrial publicity regarding the crime and Martin's association with a hostage situation at the Trumbull County Jail four months before his trial.

Martin is scheduled for execution on May 26, 2021.

(source: WFMJ news)


Attorney for executed Parma murderer says she believes inmate suffered pain during lethal injection

An attorney for Gary Otte, a man put to death Wednesday for killing 2 people in Parma in 1992, said she saw signs that her client experienced pain as the execution team injected him with a sedative, the 1st of 3-drug combination.

Carol Wright, the supervising attorney for the Columbus Federal Public Defender's Office's capital unit, watched Otte's execution from the viewing area of the state's death house. The execution was carried out Wednesday morning at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, and Otte was pronounced dead at 10:54 a.m.

Wright said Otte's movements and actions as he received midazolam, a sedative, indicated to her that Otte felt "pain or sensations" as he was about to die.

Her statements on what she saw mirror legal arguments she and her team have made that say midazolam does not render inmates deeply unconscious, and its use in executions could lead the state to violate an inmate's constitutional right.

Otte's stomach raised and lowered several times after the execution team began the injections. That stopped after several minutes, presumably when the execution team gave him a paralytic drug. Then the execution team gave Otte a drug that stopped his heart.

Wright said the stomach movements were abnormal and evidence that Otte was struggling to get air. She also said Otte was crying.

She said she saw these reactions and got out of her seat to call Dayton federal magistrate Judge Michael Merz, who presides over litigation brought by death row inmates challenging the state's use of the 3-drug combination in executions.

That caused another problem, Wright said.

"They would not allow me to leave the room until several minutes passed," Wright said of the staff in the death house, adding that protocol says she should be allowed to leave immediately.

A staff member eventually let Wright out, and she called the prison's waiting room so one of her colleagues could reach Merz on the phone.

"It was my hope to alert the court to what I believed was a constitutional violation," she said.

That took several more minutes, and by the time Merz was on the line, it appeared the execution team had already given Otte the 2nd injection. She told Merz that the stomach movements stopped and she did not see any more tears, and Merz declined to intervene.

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction spokeswoman JoEllen Smith said department staff handled Wright's request to leave the room appropriately. Smith said in an email that "we followed proper security protocol, and once her identity and intention was verified she was given permission to exit the room."

The whole process led Wright to believe that the state's execution team was ill-prepared and made mistakes.

The state disagreed.

"The execution was carried out in compliance with the execution policy and without complication," Smith said.

Otte, 45, of Terre Haute, Indiana, was executed for robbing and murdering Robert Wasikowski, 61, and Sharon Kostura, 45, in February 1992. He's the second Ohio inmate executed this year.

Merz declared Ohio's latest execution protocol unconstitutional in January, but a federal appeals court overturned his ruling.

The state used this protocol after it had problems during the execution of death-row inmate Dennis McGuire in January 2014. McGuire was executed with a previously unused drug combination.



Death penalty protesters spread message in Warren

As they held up signs on Courthouse Square condemning state-sponsored executions, a group of women and men grew silent and bowed their heads at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

At that moment, Gary Otte, 45, was being put to death at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville for the 1992 killings of Robert Wasikowski and Sharon Kostura outside of Cleveland.

"We aren't out here because we have any sympathy for his actions. We strongly condemn what he did," said Pat Rogan, organizer of the 8-person protest. "We understand the severity of his actions and believe the state has a right to punish him."

However, there is a difference between revenge and justice, Rogan said.

Most of the participants were there because their religious beliefs drive them to support a natural life cycle, from birth to natural death, including Catholics, Quakers and Universal Unitarians, Rogan said.

On top of their religious beliefs, she said the group believes the system that puts people to death can be unfair.

"It isn't the worst of the worst who gets put to death. It is usually the poorest of the poorest. You are more likely to get the death penalty for killing a white person, not for killing a person of color. It's just not a fair system," Rogan said.

A life sentence makes more sense financially, ethically and avoids the possibility of handing down the ultimate sentence in an imperfect system, Rogan said.

Alice and Staughton Lynd of Niles are Quakers and attorneys and have been focused on the death penalty issue for years.

"I have been appalled by the death penalty since I first learned of it," Staughton Lynd said. "I couldn't believe it existed, it is a terrible thing."

The Lynds have studied several death row cases, including the 1993 Lucasville riot that led to death sentences for five people authorities said were responsible for 10 deaths during the 10-day riot.

Staughton Lynd said he has often found shoddy evidence at the center of prosecutors' cases and found they relied on the testimony of people whose stories did not match medical examination findings.

Alice Lynd said eyewitness testimony can be faulty, and state-sponsored executions should not be dependent on the reliability of someone's memory. Defendants may refuse to take plea bargains because they are truly innocent and find themselves at the mercy of a jury, Lynd said.

But juries are often biased toward the prosecution, figuring the state wouldn't go through the expense of a trial if it weren't sure, Alice Lynd said.

And, "The definition of aggravated murder is intent to cause death with prior planning. That's exactly what execution is," Alice Lynd said. "Think of that, a man sitting there counting down the minutes to his death."

Rogan said she has visited the "death house" on the day of an execution.

"It is surreal. The corrections officers are so friendly and accommodating - asking him if there is anything he needs, anything he wants. It is unnerving. The officers are just doing their jobs, and they are great people I have a lot of respect for. But it isn't fair to the corrections officers, to force them to participate in a murder," Rogan said.



Missouri governor appoints former judges in St. Louis County death penalty case

Gov. Eric Greitens named 5 retired judges to a special panel Tuesday to help him decide whether a man convicted of killing a former Post-Dispatch reporter should be executed.

The move came 4 weeks after the Republican governor called off the scheduled execution of Marcellus Williams amid claims by his attorneys that recent DNA tests could prove their client's innocence.

Members of the panel are: Former Missouri Court of Appeals Eastern District Judge Booker Shaw; former 22nd Circuit Judge Michael David; former Circuit Judge Peggy Fenner of Jackson County; former U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson, who served in the eastern district; and, former Missouri Court of Appeals Western District Judge Paul Spinden.

At issue is Williams' role in the 1998 murder of Lisha Gayle at her home in University City.

Mystery surrounds 2 stabbings

Lisha Gayle, a former Post-Dispatch reporter, was stabbed to death by a burglar in her University City home on Aug. 11, 1998.

With the clock ticking on Williams' scheduled execution by injection on Aug. 22, Greitens invoked a rarely used state law giving him discretion to appoint a board to gather information and report back on whether a person condemned to death should be executed.

The judges will have the power to subpoena witnesses and evidence, but the proceedings will be conducted behind closed doors. Williams, 48, was sentenced to death in 2001. Prosecutors said Williams was burglarizing the home when Gayle, who had been taking a shower, surprised him. The former reporter, who left the paper in 1992, fought for her life as she was stabbed repeatedly.

Williams' attorneys claim DNA tests could prove his innocence.

The Missouri Supreme Court in 2015 postponed Williams' execution to allow time for the DNA tests. Using technology that was not available at the time of the killing, those tests show that DNA found on the knife matched that of an unknown male. Williams' DNA was not found on the knife.

Despite that finding, the state's high court denied his petition to stop the execution and either appoint a special master to hear his innocence claim or vacate the death sentence and order his sentence commuted to life in prison.

No timetable for the judges' work was immediately available Tuesday.



Woman who voted for death penalty tracks down other jurors to see if they regret decision

Most everyone has an opinion on the death penalty, but not many people have ever had to make a decision whether to sentence someone to death.

"It's something that changes you, it changed me," Lindy Lou Isonhood said before a screening of a film detailing her story at Park Hill High Wednesday night.

Isonhood served on the jury that would decide the fate of Bobby Wilcher in Mississippi in 1994.

"I asked the other jurors, 'what about a life sentence?'" Isonhood said.

The decision to give Wilcher the death penalty still haunts her, so much so she went to visit the man convicted of 2 brutal murders on the day of his execution.

"I wanted to ask him to forgive me for my hand in his death because I didn't want to have to do what I did. He told me he didn't want me to feel guilty, he put himself in that situation," she said.

Isonhood collaborated with producers on the 2017 film, Lindy Lou, Juror #2. In the documentary she tracks down many of the 11 other jurors to see if they also 2nd-guessed their decision.

"I thought about that every moment for a while, did we do the right thing?" one juror tells Isonhood in the documentary.

Isonhood says though she no longer supports the death penalty, she is in favor of better educating jurors about their options in sentencing and the possibilities of parole.

Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty sponsored the screening of the documentary. The group also praised a recent decision by Governor Eric Greitens to stay the execution of Marcellus Williams for the time being.

Tuesday he announced the retired judges who will be on a board of inquiry looking into possible DNA evidence in the murder of a St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter that could possibly exonerate Williams.

"He came within 4 hours of his execution so that's pretty frightening. But we see it as a step in the right direction, Gov. Greitens was willing to stay the execution," Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Assistant to the Executive Director Esmie Tseng said.

MADP will sponsor another screening of the film Thursday at Park University at 3 p.m.



Death row inmate denied appeal

A convicted child killer is 1 step closer to lethal injection.

Frank Jarvis Atwood lost another appeal as he continued his more than 30-year fight to avoid the death penalty.

He was convicted of the 1984 murder of an 8-year-old girl from Tucson, Vickie Lynn Hoskinson.

Today, the U.S. ninth circuit court of appeals denied Atwood's appeal.

If the circuit denies a rehearing, Atwood's last change depends on whether the supreme court agrees to hear his case.

(source: KGUN news)

NEVADA----impending volunteer execution

Nevada inmate asks how he should mentally prepare for execution

Scott Dozier has 2 months to live, and lawyers for the condemned Nevada inmate are still fighting in court for details about his execution.

While Dozier has not wavered from his death wish, which he put in writing nearly a year ago, he revealed publicly for the first time Monday his concerns about the state's plans for lethal injection with an unprecedented 3-drug cocktail.

"What do I need to be mentally prepared for?" Dozier asked District Judge Jennifer Togliatti, who has signed his execution warrant. "Is it something that seems like a reasonably easy transition, or do I need to have my game up and have the mental fortitude, intestinal fortitude to have a less than - you know - what could be a miserable experience?"

Federal public defenders representing Dozier told a judge on Monday that they plan to meet with deputies from the Nevada attorney general's office, which represents the Department of Corrections, to discuss which portions of the state's execution manual should be made public or reviewed by a medical expert.

Citing prison security concerns, prison officials have argued that Dozier should not be allowed access to the entire confidential document.

But prison officials recently reported the 3 drugs expected to be used in his execution: diazepam, which is normally used to treat anxiety and muscle spasms; fentanyl, used for pain; and cisatracurium, a skeletal muscle relaxant or paralytic.

What hasn't been disclosed: how the state obtained the drugs, or the sequence and timing of administering the lethal drug cocktail.

Dozier is scheduled to die Nov. 14, less than a week before his 47th birthday.

Assistant Federal Public Defender David Anthony said he wanted to review possible alternatives.

"If he has a choice between a safe and effective execution and a painful, torturous one," Anthony said, ???I think he's going to choose the safe one."

The judge interjected.

"Safe, meaning not painful and torturous?" she asked. "Because I wouldn't say 'safe,' since he'll be dead."

Shackled and seated nearby in orange prison garb, Dozier simply smiled.

Togliatti ordered the lawyers back in court later this week.

Dozier would be the 1st Nevada inmate executed in more than a decade. He was sent to Nevada's death row nearly 10 years ago for his 2nd killing.

A Clark County jury convicted him in September 2007 of killing 22-year-old Jeremiah Miller at the now-closed La Concha Motel. In 2005, Dozier was convicted in Arizona of 2nd-degree murder.

(source: Las Vegas Review-Journal)


Judge to decide whether man can face charges in killing of Stanislaus sheriff's deputy

A judge will have to decide if a man accused of killing Stanislaus County sheriff's Deputy Dennis Wallace is mentally competent to face criminal charges.

David Machado appeared in court Wednesday. He is charged with murder in Wallace's death last year.

The deputy was killed shortly before 8:30 a.m. Nov. 13 after he spotted a stolen van at the Fox Grove Fishing Access near Hughson. Wallace, 53, was a 20-year Sheriff's Department veteran, assigned to Salida, the courthouse and most recently Hughson. Authorities say Wallace was shot in the head twice at close range.

Machado's case has remained suspended, since the court determined that his mental competency needed to be restored before proceeding. A forensic psychologist reported that Machado was able to understand the court proceedings, but the defendant was not capable of assisting his attorney in the case.

Stanislaus Superior Court Judge Thomas Zeff on Wednesday scheduled a court trial to begin Nov. 16. Attorneys on both sides will present evidence concerning Machado's mental competency, according to John Goold, a spokesman for the Stanislaus County District Attorney's Office.

At the end of the trial, Judge Zeff will determine whether Machado's ability to understand the criminal proceedings and assist in his legal defense. The judge could reinstate the murder case or send Machado to receive additional treatment to restore his competency.

Machado cannot face charges in the deputy's death until after his mental competency is restored.

The defendant's murder charge comes with a special-circumstance allegation that makes the case eligible for the death penalty. But the District Attorney's Office has not informed the court if it will seek the death penalty against Machado.

A service courtesy of Washburn University School of Law

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