[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., CALIF.

2012-12-31 Thread Rick Halperin
Dec. 31 USA (NEW YORK): Rare NYS death penalty case may reach Brooklyn in 2013 The year 2013 will bring a number of new beginnings to Brooklyn. In Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 2 will open with courts for bocce, handball, and basketball. The Prospect Park Lakeside Project, to open in fall

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., ARK.

2012-09-17 Thread Rick Halperin
Sept. 17 USA: Abolish the death penalty "You're kidding me. We don't execute people on the Sabbath. Well that's about the most bizarre thing I've ever heard." - Leo McGarry, "The West Wing" (1999-2006). 1 year ago this Friday, a man named Troy Davis was executed in Georgia. I was on

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., N.C., OHIO

2012-06-29 Thread Rick Halperin
June 29 USA: 40 years after Furman, the U.S. Death Penalty Is In Disarray June 29 marks the 40th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court case Furman v. Georgia. In Furman, the high court abolished the death penalty on the grounds that it violated the Eighth Amendment prohibition on c

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., CALIF., FLA.

2012-05-25 Thread Rick Halperin
May 25 USA: Despite its popularity, the death penalty would allow the state to kill innocent people The University of Michigan law school and Northwestern University have just compiled a database of over 2,000 United States prisoners exonerated between 1999 and the present day. One of

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news-----USA, PENN., ALA., IND., FLA., OHIO, ARIZ.

2012-01-21 Thread Rick Halperin
Jan. 21 USA: Jan. 17 anti death penalty action at US Supremre Court: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inGmr3hjv_o&list=HL1327118387&feature=mh_lolz PENNSYLVANIA: Death penalty still being weighed in double slaying Westmoreland County's top prosecutor is still considering if he wi

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., CALIF., ILL., MISS.

2008-04-27 Thread Rick Halperin
April 25 USA: Death penalty debate depends on purpose of punishment To the Editor: [Last] week's opinion articles about the death penalty ["Checks and Balances"] did not touch on the real debate over capital punishment. The real debate that faces America is about our justice system as

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news-----USA, PENN.

2008-04-06 Thread Rick Halperin
April 6 USA: Execution by lethal injection under renewed scrutiny Most US states that permit lethal-injection executions prevent veterinarians from using the same method to put animals down, according to a new study. One of the 3 drugs injected into condemned prisoners, the one that cause

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN.

2007-04-24 Thread Rick Halperin
April 24 USA: Bad Drugs: Lethal Injection Does Not Work as Designed A new study shows that failure to inject proper dosages potentially leads to slow, painful deaths from chemical asphyxiation Lethal injection was invented in 1977 by Oklahoma state medical examiner Jay Chapman, who, base

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., OHIO, CONN., MD.

2007-02-28 Thread Rick Halperin
Feb. 28 USA: Benefit of death penalty overlooked Steven Asin provides a few reasons to abolish the death penalty and there is good faith debate on both sides of this argument ("Death penalty repeal is sound policy," Feb. 21 letter). However, Mr. Asin overlooks one critical benefit to th

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news-----USA, PENN.

2006-12-03 Thread Rick Halperin
Dec. 3 USAbook review Executed on a Technicality: Lethal Injustice on America's Death Row Author: David R. Dow-ISBN: 0807044199-Pages: 272 The story of the death row inmates who changed one Texas lawyer's mind about capital punishment When David Dow took his first capital ca

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., TENN.

2006-09-24 Thread Rick Halperin
Sept. 24 USA: States have executed 11 women since '84 38 states and the U.S. government have the death penalty. No woman has been executed by th federal government in almost 53 years, but state executions have become more common, especially in the South. 11 women have been put to death by

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., ILL., MO.

2006-05-04 Thread Rick Halperin
May 4 USA: U.S. juries less likely to impose death - activists The outcome of the Zacarias Moussaoui trial shows that U.S. juries are less willing to impose capital punishment than in the past, anti-death penalty activists said on Wednesday. They said the number of death penalties imposed

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., CALIF., OHIO, FLA., N.H.

2006-01-10 Thread Rick Halperin
Jan. 10 USA: Supreme Court Backs Disabled Ga. Inmate States can sometimes be sued for damages by disabled inmates, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in resolving the 1st clash over states' rights under Chief Justice John Roberts. The court said Georgia inmate Tony Goodman could use a federa

[Deathpenalty]death penalty news-----USA, PENN.

2005-08-23 Thread Rick Halperin
August 23 USA: A living argument for the death penalty Just when one begins to believe the death penalty serves no useful purpose and should be abolished lest more innocent people die than we suspect already have, along comes some mutant whose head should have been pinched off at birth.

[Deathpenalty]death penalty news----USA, PENN., CALIF., KY.

2005-08-16 Thread Rick Halperin
April 19 USA: Lethal injection faces fight from condemned A Kentucky case that begins today is the latest legal challenge to lethal injection, the nation's most used but increasingly controversial form of execution. Lethal injection is under assault from condemned convicts across the US

[Deathpenalty]death penalty news-----USA, PENN., MISS., ARK.

2005-08-16 Thread Rick Halperin
March 10 USA: U.S. Says It Has Withdrawn From World Judicial Body Prompted by an international tribunal's decision last year ordering new hearings for 51 Mexicans on death rows in the United States, the State Department said yesterday that the United States had withdrawn from the protocol

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news-----USA, PENN., N.C., NEV., MO. ARIZ.

2005-08-16 Thread Rick Halperin
Dec. 2 USA: Friends-- Is anyone aware if there is/are any inmate(s) currently on death row in the USA who is/are deaf? Is anyone aware if any inmate executed since 1977 was deaf? If you have any information, please contact me offline..thanks!! Rick Halperin **

[Deathpenalty]death penalty news----USA, PENN., CALIF., ARIZ.

2005-08-16 Thread Rick Halperin
Dec. 4 USA: Ashcroft's Legacy on Federal Death Penalty in DoubtWill Gonzales loosen office's grip on capital punishment decisions? The controversial tenure of Attorney General John Ashcroft is already being debated, even before he departs. But one aspect of his legacy is very much in

[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----USA, PENN., CALIF., ILL., IDAHO

2005-08-16 Thread Rick Halperin
Nov. 17 USA: A Matter of Death The horrific life of Joe Elton Nixon, briefly referenced last week during a narrow procedural hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court, is at the heart of a capital murder case that Eric M. Freedman predicts will be studied in law schools for years to come. Fre

[Deathpenalty]death penalty news----USA, PENN., WASH.

2005-08-16 Thread Rick Halperin
Oct. 15 USA: Executing juvenile offenders is barbaric, ought to be ended Christopher Simmons committed a horrible crime when he was 17. Simmons and an accomplice broke into a woman's home, robbed her, tied her and threw her into the Meramec River. He should be punished by spending the res