Oct. 20


Last pretrial hearing Thursday in Telford death penalty case

Outstanding motions and other issues were discussed at a hearing Thursday in the case of a Texas prison inmate accused of capital murder in the July 15, 2015, beating death of a Barry Telford Unit correctional officer.

Billy Joel Tracy, 39, could receive a death sentence or life without the possibility of parole if convicted of killing 47-year-old Timothy Davison during a walk from a prison dayroom to his cell in segregation. Opening arguments are scheduled to begin Monday, Oct. 23, at the Bowie County courthouse in New Boston.

At a hearing Thursday, Tracy's defense team, Mac Cobb of Mount Pleasant and Jeff Harrelson of Texarkana, said they still want the case moved out of Bowie County. Cobb said he is filing a supplemental change of venue motion and Harrelson said the defense wants its objections to 2 seated jurors put on the record.

Lockhart said that the average age of the 7 men and 5 women chosen as jurors is 48. 2 women will serve as alternates.

Assistant District Attorney Kelley Crisp asked that the defense provide her with information concerning the science and any testing their experts intend to rely on during the trial. Crisp said she believes those experts are expected to take the stand during the punishment phase of trial if Tracy is found guilty. Crisp said she would like to review brain scans and other reports before the witnesses are called so that if a hearing to determine whether they are admissible can be held before the jury is in the courthouse.

According to a Texas Department of Criminal Justice report, Tracy was able to slip his left hand free while cuffed and attack Davison, knocking him down. Tracy allegedly grabbed Davison's metal tray slot bar, a tool used to open the slots in cell doors, and beat him to death.

The Bowie County District Attorney's Office is seeking the death penalty for Tracy, who has a long history of violence in prison since he was assessed a life term by a jury in Rockwall County for burglary and assault in 1998. Since then Tracy has been a constant disciplinary problem, has repeatedly tried to escape, and has been sentenced to additional 10-year and 45-year terms for assaults on correctional officers.

Assistant District Attorneys Kelley Crisp and Lauren Richards are prosecuting the case.

(source: txktoday.com)


Texas high court rejects death penalty appeal in 1992 quadruple drug-related homicide

The state's highest criminal court this week split over whether a ballistics expert's testimony was material to a 1992 Harris County death penalty verdict.

In a ruling handed down Wednesday, the Court of Criminal Appeals denied 47-year-old Arthur Brown a new trial or new sentencing phase because a Houston police analyst overstated the proof that 2 guns connected to Brown were involved in the shooting of 6 people during a drug deal 25 years ago.

The high court, with a single judge dissenting, said the analyst's possibly inaccurate testimony was not material to the jury's decision.

Appeals Judge Elsa Alcala authored the dissent, writing that she agreed with former Harris County District Judge Mark Kent Ellis who ruled that the firearms evidence introduced at Brown's trial was false or misleading.

"I agree with the (trial) court's determination that this evidence was not only false or misleading but also material," she said. Alcala wrote that she would support a new trial, a new punishment phase or even a new hearing to further flesh out the issue.

The 1993 death penalty verdict came back to Harris County last year because of a recent law allowing inmates to take advantage of scientific breakthroughs that were not available during their original trials.

During a hearing in front of Ellis last year, attorneys for Brown argued that 2 guns that had been linked to him were not used to kill 4 people and injure 2 others during a large-scale cocaine deal.

Brown was convicted of running drugs from Houston to Alabama with 2 other men. The trio apparently decided to cut out the middlemen and went into a southwest Houston cocaine deal with the intent to kill.

Court records show that Brown with Marion Dudley and Tony Dunson arranged to buy 3 kilograms of cocaine from Rachel Tovar and her estranged husband, Jose Tovar.

When the 3 went to Tovar's home in the 4600 block of Brownstone for the deal, they tied up the couple and 4 other people - friends and neighbors who were in the house coincidentally. All 6 were shot in the head. 4 people were killed: Tovar's husband; 19-year-old Jessica Quinones, who was 7 months pregnant; Audrey Brown, 21; and 17-year-old Frank Farias. Rachel Tovar survived along with family friend Nicholas Cortez.

Cortez said Dudley shot him and Jose Tovar with a .357-caliber Magnum handgun, according to court records. He was sentenced to death and has been executed. Dunson was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

Prosecutors said Brown used a .38-caliber revolver to shoot Farias, Quinones and Audrey Brown, who was no relation to Arthur Brown.

Prosecutors relied heavily on testimony from Brown's sister who said he admitted to her that he killed 6 people. She later said that testimony was coerced after hours of being interrogated.

Brown's latest appeal centers on whether bullets at the scene actually match guns recovered during investigations of Alabama drug dealers known to associate with Brown.

The majority of the Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that the HPD ballistics expert believed his analysis, which was verified by another expert, that the bullets matched the guns. And, the court said, even if he was wrong, there was enough other evidence to convict Brown and sentence him to death.

Alcala argued that the testimony was inaccurate and bolstered weak and questionable evidence. If jurors had known that the ballistics results that painted Brown as the shooter were questionable, she said, it may have affected the guilty verdict or the death sentence.

(source: Houston Chronicle)


Ala. executes cop-killer Torrey Twane McNabb, who raises middle fingers as he dies

Alabama officials on Thursday evening used lethal injection to execute inmate Torrey Twane McNabb, who had been convicted of killing a Montgomery police officer in 1997.

He was pronounced dead at 9:38 p.m. Thursday.

McNabb, 40, used his last statement to tell his mother and sister that he was unafraid and he cursed at the state, saying "I hate you ... I hate you."

As the procedure began, he raised his middle fingers before becoming still.

The execution was carried out shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the state could move forward, dismissing his lawyer's claims that the state's lethal injection procedure is cruel and unusual punishment.

McNabb's attorneys filed appeals in the case throughout Thursday to halt the execution that was set for 6 p.m. Central at the Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore. The last stay was lifted between 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., and by 9:35 p.m. the execution had been carried out.

Details were not immediately available as media witnesses, including an AL.com reporter, had yet to return from the prison to the nearby media center.

McNabb was convicted in the death of Montgomery police Officer Anderson Gordon. Prosecutors say McNabb was fleeing a bail bondsman when he walked up and shot Gordon 5 times while the officer was sitting in his parked patrol car.

McNabb and several other inmates have challenged the state's use of midazolam at the start of lethal injections, arguing that it violates Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment because the sedative would not reliably render them unconscious before other drugs stopped their lungs and heart.

A lawyer for McNabb has argued that it would be wrong to carry out the execution while proceedings continue in McNabb's lawsuit.

The attorney general's office asked the justices to let the execution proceed. The state has argued they have allowed multiple executions to proceed using the sedative midazolam and that McNabb presents "nothing new" to justify halting the execution.

"Alabama has already carried out 4 executions using this protocol. Three of those executed inmates were co-plaintiffs in this case," the attorney general's office wrote in a court filing.

(source: Associated Press)


Torrey McNabb's final words for Alabama before execution: 'I hate you'----Alabama uses midazolam in its 3-drug execution procedure. The drug has been present in botched executions and drawn controversy.

The state of Alabama on Thursday executed Torrey McNabb for the 1997 murder of Montgomery Police Cpl. Anderson Gordon III.

It was the 5th execution Alabama has conducted since January 2016, and took place almost exactly 20 years after McNabb shot and killed Gordon.

McNabb expressed defiance shortly before the execution began at 8:56 p.m. Thursday night, speaking to family members through a glass window.

"Mom, sis, look at my eyes," he said. "I've got no tears in my eyes. I'm unafraid . . . to the state of Alabama, I hate you m-----f-----s. I hate you."

McNabb, strapped to a gurney, raised both middle fingers toward witnesses galleries as the execution began. He appeared to be breathing for the first 20 minutes of the execution and moved slightly.

At 9:17 p.m., McNabb raised his right arm and rolled his head in a grimace before falling back on the gurney. Witnesses in the room -- including McNabb's 2 sisters and 2 attorneys -- expressed concerns he was not unconscious.

He was pronounced dead at 9:38 p.m. after an execution that lasted approximately 35 minutes. Speaking Thursday evening, Alabama Department of Corrections Commissioner Jeff Dunn said they followed proper procedures.

"I'm confident he was more than unconscious at that point," he said. "Involuntary movement is not uncommon. That's how I would characterize it."

Staff conducted 2 consciousness tests on McNabb during the execution, 1 more than is common. A correctional officer in the room calls out the condemned inmate's name, opens one of his eyes and pinches his arm. Dunn did not say if there were any changes to the administration of drugs, but said the 2 consciousness checks were meant to "err on the side of caution."

McNabb refused his breakfast Wednesday and did not ask for a final meal. The inmate also asked that the prison chaplain not enter the death chamber with him; a chaplain was present but did not pray with McNabb. Alabama Department of Corrections spokesman Bob Horton said McNabb did not want "anything of a religious nature performed before or during his execution."

Gordon's family thanked the attorney general's office; the Montgomery Police Department; former Montgomery County District Attorney Ellen Brooks; current Montgomery District Attorney Daryl Bailey, and Sarah Green of Victim's Services.

"Over 20 years ago, we lost a companion, a father, a brother, and a friend who only wanted to make a difference in his community," the family said in a statement. "'Brother,' as he was affectionately called, worked to make a difference in his community until his life was taken on September 24, 1997."

McNabb, then 20, was fleeing a bail bondsman when he got into the accident on Sept. 24, 1997. When Gordon pulled up to respond, McNabb approached his patrol car and fired at least 4 times at Gordon. The police officer, the father of a toddler, was pronounced dead at the scene.

McNabb later took off and fired at officers in pursuit before being wounded and captured. Brooks, who prosecuted McNabb, on Friday called it "a senseless, needless crime."

"In a sense, (Gordon) was an innocent bystander," she said. "It was so senseless."

At his trial in January 1999, McNabb said he ingested a large amount of cocaine that day and "panicked" when he saw Gordon come up. He apologized to Gordon's family from the witness stand and said "I know I have caused them a lot of hurt."

"I absolutely believe he was remorseful," said Rhonda Brownstein, legal director of the Southern Poverty Law Center who was part of McNabb's legal team in 1999.

McNabb was convicted after a 5-day trial. State appellate courts have upheld the conviction. In his most recent round of appeals, McNabb's attorneys argued that his death sentence should be set aside because it conflicted with a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down a Florida law that required the judge and not the jury to determine aggravating factors that could lead to a sentence of death.

Alabama's appellate courts, however, have upheld death sentences imposed prior to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision, saying Alabama's law differed from the Florida statute. Montgomery County Circuit Judge J.R. Gaines dismissed McNabb's challenge earlier this month.

The case got caught up in a legal fight over Alabama's method of lethal injection. Officials first inject an inmate with midazolam, a sedative designed to render a person unconscious. After a consciousness check, the inmate is injected with rocuronium bromide, which paralyzes the muscles, and potassium chloride, which stops the heart.

Alabama has used the protocol in 4 executions conducted in the last 22 months. 3 took place without visible incident. But Ronald Bert Smith, executed in December, gasped and coughed for 13 of the 34 minutes of his execution. Critics say midazolam cannot maintain unconsciousness in the face of a stressful event, such as one's execution.

Watkins initially dismissed the lawsuit last November. The 11th Circuit ordered new hearings in the case last month, and Watkins cited that pending case in staying McNabb's execution on Monday. The 11th Circuit upheld the stay, but was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote McNabb had not shown a likelihood to succeed on the merits.

The Gordon family statement said that while "the wounds of having a family member murdered can never be healed," they were "strong, and will continue to be resilient."

"Though this has been a difficult day for the Gordon family, we would also like to pray for the family of Torrey McNabb," the statement said.

(source: Montgomery Advertiser)


Meyer testifies on proposed state senate death penalty bill

Boone County Prosecutor Todd Meyer called proposed Indiana Senate Bill 155, "a solution in search of a problem" at an Oct. 11 Legislative Study Committee.

Authored by Sen. James Merritt, R-Indianapolis for the state's 2017 legislative session, the bill aimed to take away the death penalty for those suffering from a serious mental illness (see info box). After much discussion, it was decided the bill needed further review and was sent to a study committee.

"I think through the course of the study committee, I'm hopeful, the prosecuting attorney council and others were persuasive in saying that mental illness is at the forefront of these cases and is adequately being dealt with now," said Meyer, who represented the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney's Council. "There's no reason to go tinkering around with our death penalty statute."

Meyer said the bill's definition of serious mental illness caused uneasiness among Indiana prosecutors, and became the deciding factor of IPAC's involvement. The concern came from what Meyer called a "broad" definition of serious mental illness.

"At IPAC, we support having the death penalty as the ultimate punishment in the state for the worst of the worst crimes," Meyer said. "The net is so large it will scoop up so many people and will effectively put the death penalty off the table. People that suffer from depression would not be eligible to be put to death. If it's as broad as that, it effectively eliminates the death penalty."

According to deathpenaltyinfo.org, 20 people have been executed in Indiana since 1977, with the last, Matthew Wrinkles, coming in 2009 by lethal injection. The Indiana Department of Correction website said between 1897 and 2009, a total of 94 people have been executed in the state for capital offenses. All of those executed were men.

As of May 2017, 12 men and 1 woman sit on Indiana's death row, though no executions have been scheduled.

A 2007 United States Supreme Court ruling stated death row inmates may not be executed if they are found to be mentally ill and can't perceive the significance of being executed and what that signifies.

The American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, and the American Bar Association have endorsed resolutions calling for an exemption of the severely mentally ill, according to deathpenaltyinfo.org.

Association have endorsed resolutions calling for an exemption of the severely mentally ill.

1 of the 12 men sitting on Indiana's death row is Michael Overstreet. Meyer used that case as an example to the committee. In 2014, an Indiana judge found Overstreet to fit the criteria of the 2007 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling, and while Overstreet will remain on death row, he will not be executed.

"(Overstreet) was convicted and sentenced to death years ago and didn't suffer the debilitating mental illness from having him be sentenced to death back at the time he committed the crime," Meyer said. "But while incarcerated and in prison for having committed the crime, he developed a mental illness."

Meyer said he continued to argue that a defendant's possible mental illness status is at the forefront of litigation in death penalty cases, before, during and after trial.

"It is heavily litigated, one of most litigated, parts of the case leading up to the actual trial itself," Meyer said. "We ask 'Is this person mentally sound to allow the government to put them to death if convicted and sentenced to death?' There are lots of measures to go through pre-trial and post-trial."

In Boone County, Meyer recently filed to seek the death penalty against alleged murderer Zachariah Wright. Wright is scheduled for a jury trail in March 2018.

In 2009, Indiana considered similar legislation (Indiana SB 22, regular session) under almost an identical "severe mental illness" definition.

Senate Bill 155

Serious Mental Illness Definition

Except as provided in subsection 'B', "serious mental illness" means 1 or more of the following disorders as classified in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as amended and supplemented:

(1) Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders.

(2) Bipolar disorder.

(3) Major depressive disorder.

(4) Delusional disorder.

(5) Post-traumatic stress disorder.

(6) Traumatic brain injury.

(source: timessentinel.com)


Leckie murder case moved to Taney County venue

The murder trial of 39-year-old Rebecca Ruud will be held in Taney County after Circuit Circuit Judge David Evans granted a defense motion Thursday requesting a change of venue in the highly publicized case.

Ruud, of Ozark County, Mo., stands accused with killing her 16-year-old daughter Savannah Leckie and burning the girl's remains. Ruud's husband, Robert Peat Jr., 31, also stands accused of Leckie's murder.

The case began when Ruud called the Ozark County Sheriff's Department July 20 to report Savannah missing. On Aug. 4, investigators armed with a search warrant found what were later determined to be Savannah's burned remains in a brush pile on Ruud's 81-acre farm.

Both Ruud and Peat faces charges of 1st-degree murder, 2nd-degree murder, abuse or neglect of a child, tampering with physical evidence and abandonment of a corpse in connection with Savannah's death and the burning of her remains.

During Thursday's hearing, Ozark County Prosecuting Attorney John Garrabrant told Judge Evans the state had yet to make a decision whether it would seek the death penalty for Ruud.

Ruud's attorney Kate Welborn also filed a motion seeking bond for Ruud, who has been held in the Ozark County jail since Aug. 21 when she was arrested as she attempted to board a Greyhound bus out of Springfield bound for Kansas City.

In the motion, Welborn noted Ruud bought her 81-acre farm in 2008 and plans to remain a resident of Ozark County. Ruud would agree to remain in Ozark County until her trial concluded, according to the motion.

Further, Welborn told the court Ruud would not resume her career as a long-haul trucker unless granted permission by the court. Also, Ruud would agree to wearing a GPS device to track her movements and report to probation officials, if she were allowed to remain free on bond, her attorney wrote.

Judge Evans told the attorneys a decision regarding bond would be taken up during a later hearing when a new judge is assigned the case upon its official transfer to Taney County. The judge told Ruud a bond hearing date would be set within a few days.

For now, Ruud will remain housed in the Ozark County jail. Garrabrant asked that pretrial issues be heard in Ozark County, noting that he is the sole prosecutor and that it would put undue hardship on him to travel to Taney County for such hearings.

Ruud's attorney did not object to the request and Evans noted the agreement on the issue for the future judge to consider.

The attorneys did not agree on where Ruud should be housed while she remains in jail. Garrabrant told the judge Ruud's trial would be costly for the small county and requiring the county to pay for Ruud to be housed elsewhere would further add to the financial burden placed on the county.

Welborn argued she has other clients housed in the Taney County jail and were Ruud to be housed there, it would be convenient for the defense. Judge Evans told the attorneys that issue could be taken up with the judge to be assigned to Ruud's case.

In the meantime, where Ruud is housed will be up to Ozark County Sheriff Darrin Reed, Evans ruled.

Ruud's husband and codefendant Peat is scheduled to appear next on Nov. 8 in Ozark County Circuit Court for a trial setting hearing, according to electronic court records.

(source: The Baxter Bulletin)


Serrano defense calls for state to pay for travel, research in Mexico

Defense attorneys want Montgomery County to pay for someone to research their client's life in Mexico.

Attorneys for Pablo Serrano-Vitorino, a Mexican national accused of killing Randy Nordman near New Florence last year, filed the motion in St. Louis City circuit court on Wednesday. The motion asks the court to require Montgomery County to foot the bill of at least $59,000 on a mitigation specialist to travel to Mexico and research Serrano's upbringing there ahead of his trial.

Serrano, an undocumented immigrant, faces the death penalty for allegedly shooting Nordman at Nordman's home on March 8, 2016. Law enforcement say that Serrano was on the run from a quadruple killing in Kansas City, Kansas earlier that week. Serrano faces a lengthy trial scheduled in October 2018 to take place in St. Louis.

A mitigation specialists research the background of a person facing the death penalty for juries to consider. The American Bar Association tasks these investigators to interview people "in a culturally competent manner" to help defense attorneys.

The motion claims the Missouri State Public Defender's office rejected their request to pay for a mitigation investigator. That amount of money would hurt the office's ability to help other clients, the motion said. The team requires a specialist fluent in Spanish and knowledgeable of Mexican culture. The only person outside the office that was willing to give a quote so far is Kristina Bishop, the motion said, and would cost $59,000 for travel and work.

Serrano needs the work done to ensure a fair trial, the attorneys wrote. Records sought include family medical histories and the environment in which Serrano was raised. From his birth to 17, the motion said, Serrano spent time in places like Juarez, Chihuahua, Durango and Zacatecas.

"Without access to evidence regarding Pablo's mental health, medical, and social histories available only in Mexico, as well as character evidence available only through his family and friends who only speak Spanish, the jury will be deprived of mitigating evidence that is constitutionally required to consider," the motion said.

Death penalty cases in Missouri are typically split into two parts. The "guilt phase" requires a jury to decide whether or not a person committed the crime at hand. If convicted, a separate jury serves for the "penalty phase." Prosecutors must prove 1 of several "aggravating factors" in the crime that are laid out in state law before a jury can decide if death is the appropriate punishment. The defense is allowed to bring up character evidence during this phase, such as trauma the person experienced in the past or mental health issues.

(source: ABC News)


State Still Weighing Death Penalty in Cheyenne Boy's Death

Laramie County District Attorney Jeremiah Sandburg says the state "will probably take all the way up to the end of the month" to decide whether to seek the death penalty against John Barrett.

The 24-year-old is accused of sexually abusing and killing his girlfriend's 2-year-old son in May. He pleaded not guilty to 2 counts of 1st-degree murder in commission of a felony, 1st-degree sexual abuse of a minor, child abuse and aggravated child abuse last week.

Barrett's attorney, Diane Lozano, has repeatedly asked the court to dismiss Count II - which alleges Barrett did, in the perpetration of sexual abuse, kill the child - arguing there's no evidence that sexual abuse caused the boy's death.

"Having more than 1 murder charge, particularly when you're talking about felony murder, is not unusual," said Sandburg. "In fact, and I'd have to double-check this, but there's been several cases that we cited in our brief to that effect, where a defendant was charged with multiple different versions of homicide and was convicted on multiple different versions of homicide."

"It all merges in terms of sentencing," Sandburg added. "You can't get multiple sentences for it, but you can theoretically be convicted of multiple different theories on how that occurred."

Sandburg says the decision to charge Barrett with 2 counts of 1st-degree murder wasn't made so the state could reach a plea deal in the case, but rather to make sure "certain information" gets presented at trial.

"Really it's more of a different type of a strategy in terms of the way you approach the case," said Sandburg. "It may be because you want to make sure one of them sticks or it may be because you have multiple theories and the facts aren't 100 % round peg into round hole sort of situations."

(source: KGAN news)


Horrific Details Emerge At Trial Of 8-Year-Old's Death

Heart-breaking testimony was given in a downtown courtroom Wednesday by the older brother who says he witnessed the killing of his younger sibling.

Gabriel Fernandez's 16-year-old brother recounted a harrowing tale of abuse from his mother and her boyfriend who are on trial, suspected of killing the Palmdale boy.

The older brother who was identified in court only as Ezequiel C., told jurors that he recalled his little brother being hit by his mother, Pearl Sinthia Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre, and frequently being kept in a "box" in the couple's bedroom. He added that his sibling was forced to eat cat litter and cat feces and was repeatedly beaten in the months leading up to his death in May 2013 in Palmdale.

"I noticed 2 beds in your room, but Gabriel still stayed in that box most of the time?" Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami asked the teenager in reference to photos showing the bedroom the brothers shared. "Yes," he responded.

His testimony came on the third day of trial for Aguirre, a 37-year-old former security guard who is charged with murder in Gabriel's May 22, 2013, fatal beating, and also faces a special circumstance allegation of murder involving the infliction of torture.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Aguirre and Fernandez, 34, who will be tried separately.

(source: CBS News)


Book on the Death Penalty Takes Grand Prize at Hamilton Book Awards

Prior to clerking for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Jordan Steiker had not given the dealth penalty much thought. After working for the only justice who had actually represented defendants, it became the focus of his career and a lifelong collaboration with his sister Carol, who clerked for Marshall 2 years earlier. Together they have made the death penalty their vocation, as reflected in "Courting Death: The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment" (Harvard University Press), Grand Prize winner of the 2017 University Co-op Robert W. Hamilton Book Award.

"Each year, scholars from across the university produce an amazing array of books that demonstrate the quality and productivity of our faculty, researchers, artists and scholars," said Dan Jaffe, vice president for research at The University of Texas at Austin. "The Hamilton book awards recognize a select group for the very best output in a given year. I congratulate both our outstanding awardees and all the impressive authors who submitted their work for consideration in this year's competition."

The $10,000 Hamilton Award is the highest honor for literary achievement given by the university to UT Austin authors. The awards are named for Robert W. Hamilton, the Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair-Emeritus in Law, who served as chairman of the board of the University Co-op from 1989 to 2001.

Jordan Steiker is the Judge Robert M. Parker Chair in Law and director of the Capital Punishment Center at the UT School of Law. He has taught constitutional law, criminal law and death penalty law at UT Austin since 1990. His work focuses on the administration of capital punishment in the United States, and he has written extensively on constitutional law, federal habeas corpus and the death penalty. Professor Steiker has testified before state legislative committees addressing death penalty issues in Texas. He co-authored the report (with Carol Steiker) that led the American Law Institute to withdraw the death penalty provision from the Model Penal Code. Steiker has also litigated extensively on behalf of indigent death-sentenced inmates in state and federal court, including in the U.S. Supreme Court.

(source: utexas.edu)


Faith-based government could have unintended consequences

When I hear contributors to this page advocating that our lawmakers turn to the Christian Bible as their guide for creating laws I get chills.

I immediately think of Sharia law which is at the core of the Muslim faith, in which fortunately most Muslim countries only loosely base their laws. ISIS is the exception which advocates strict adherence to the laws, many of which are absurd and demand horrific punishments for breaking.

This same mentally is proposed by some evangelical and other Christians who want to make the punishments described in their Bible legal. Their Bible prescribes the death penalty for adultery, homosexuality, cursing a parent, disobeying a parent, and cursing God. And these are just a few of the transgressions demanding the ultimate penalty.

I bet many of those advocating returning to biblical law will argue that such extreme measures are not what they're talking about. If not, then what do they mean? Are they going to pick and choose which biblical laws to respect and which to disregard?

Those who look to any religion-based value system want easy resolutions to complex problems.

I'm glad we have a secular government which tries to make laws based in reason, though I admit many do come from Christian beliefs. I'm not saying those are all bad, but that many are archaic and are better left in the past.

John Greenlee, Sandy Lake

(source: Letter to the Editor, Sharon Herald)

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