Package: installation-reports

Boot method: Netinst CD
Image version: Etch beta 2
Date: 2 August 2006

Machine: Toshiba Satellite 4310 laptop
Processor: Celeron 600
Memory: 128 Mb
Partitions: hda1 (fat32) hda2 (ext3) hda3 (swap)

Output of lspci and lspci -n: lspci not available (base install)

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [OK]
Configure network HW:   [OK on install, not OK after reboot]
Config network:         [same as above ]
Detect CD:              [OK ]
Load installer modules: [OK ]
Detect hard drives:     [OK ]
Partition hard drives:  [OK ]
Create file systems:    [OK ]
Mount partitions:       [OK ]
Install base system:    [OK ]
Install boot loader:    [OK ]
Reboot:                 [OK ]


Everything fine during install, network is recognised and configured perfectly
(Xircom PCMCIA 10/100 and 56k modem).  However, after first reboot, networking
is gone.  Dmesg shows the following message :

serial_cs: no usable port range found, giving up

I have no /dev/eth0.

It seems the card is not detected at boot up. Everytime I reboot I must unplug
and plug the network card back in to get things working.  FYI, Google search
indicates that Ubuntu Dapper has the same problem.

The problem has been around since the first release of the Etch installer.  The
problem does not occur with Sarge.


Anastasios Ikonomou

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