2006-09-03 (일), 18:51 +0200, Davide Viti 쓰시길:
> Hi,
> bugs #368300 and #368329 affect Czech/Slovak and Korean respectively.
> Since the bugs were filed there were big changes in g-i:
> * new libraries made it into the Debian archives 
> * ttf-cjk-compact-udeb (1.5) was recently uploaded
> It'd be excellent if native speakers could help reproducing the above bugs 
> using
> a very recent image [1]
> (there are good chances they do't reproduce anyore, and we could proceed 
> closing them)
> As you probably know, tests can be done using qemu without the need of extra
> hardware and without the danger of losing data / messing up partitions; [2] 
> should help with using qemu for testing g-i.
> Thanx alot for your precious help,
> Davide 
> [1] http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/images/daily/gtk-miniiso/
> [2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Qemu

As far as I can see, the problems addressed have been fixed. Tested your
image on qemu, and all the characteres were displayed correctly.

Sunjae Park(daréhanl)

We choose to go to the moon and do the other things, not because they
are easy, but because they are hard.
                                     - John F. Kennedy -

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