Package: installation-reports
Severity: normal

-- Package-specific info:

Boot method: CD
Image version:
Date: <Date and time of the install>

Machine: PowerMac G5 "PowerMac7,3"
Partitions: <df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred>
rbthomas@kmac:~$ df -Tl | grep -v tmpfs
Filesystem     Type     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb3      ext4     235283576 1341840 221920328   1% /
/dev/sdb2      hfs         124990    6522    118468   6% /boot/grub
rbthomas@kmac:~$ lsblk
sda                   8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk 
├─sda1                8:1    0  31.5K  0 part 
├─sda2                8:2    0   977K  0 part 
├─sda3                8:3    0 244.1M  0 part 
├─sda4                8:4    0 931.3G  0 part 
│ ├─kmac--vg-root   254:0    0   6.5G  0 lvm  
│ ├─kmac--vg-swap_1 254:1    0  11.4G  0 lvm  
│ └─kmac--vg-home   254:2    0 913.4G  0 lvm  
└─sda5                8:5    0  24.5K  0 part 
sdb                   8:16   0 232.9G  0 disk 
├─sdb1                8:17   0  31.5K  0 part 
├─sdb2                8:18   0 122.1M  0 part /boot/grub
├─sdb3                8:19   0   229G  0 part /
├─sdb4                8:20   0   3.8G  0 part [SWAP]
└─sdb5                8:21   0  56.5K  0 part 
sdc                   8:32   1  28.9G  0 disk 
└─sdc1                8:33   1  28.9G  0 part 
sr0                  11:0    1  1024M  0 rom  

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [o]
Detect network card:    [o]
Configure network:      [o]
Detect media:           [o]
Load installer modules: [o]
Clock/timezone setup:   [o]
User/password setup:    [o]
Detect hard drives:     [o]
Partition hard drives:  [o]
Install base system:    [o]
Install tasks:          [o]
Install boot loader:    [o]
Overall install:        [o]


<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>
Works great!  Congrats to Adrian!


Please make sure that the hardware-summary log file, and any other
installation logs that you think would be useful are attached to this
report. Please compress large files using gzip.

Once you have filled out this report, mail it to

Installer lsb-release:
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Debian GNU/Linux installer"
DISTRIB_RELEASE="11 (bullseye) - installer build 20200315"

Installer hardware-summary:
uname -a: Linux kmac 5.5.0-2-powerpc64 #1 SMP Debian 5.5.17-1 (2020-04-15) 
ppc64 GNU/Linux
lspci -knn: lspci: Unable to load libkmod resources: error -12
lspci -knn: 0000:f0:0b.0 Host bridge [0600]: Apple Inc. U3H AGP Bridge 
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: agpgart-uninorth
lspci -knn: 0000:f0:10.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro 
Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV350 [Radeon 9550/9600/X1050 Series] [1002:4150]
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV350 [Radeon 
9550/9600/X1050 Series] [1002:4150]
lspci -knn: 0001:00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Apple Inc. U3 HT Bridge [106b:0057]
lspci -knn: 0001:00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Apple Inc. K2 HT-PCI Bridge 
lspci -knn: 0001:00:02.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Apple Inc. K2 HT-PCI Bridge 
lspci -knn: 0001:00:03.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Apple Inc. K2 HT-PCI Bridge 
lspci -knn: 0001:00:04.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Apple Inc. K2 HT-PCI Bridge 
lspci -knn: 0001:00:05.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Apple Inc. K2 HT-PCI Bridge 
lspci -knn: 0001:01:07.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Apple Inc. K2 KeyLargo Mac/IO 
[106b:0041] (rev 60)
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: macio
lspci -knn: 0001:01:08.0 USB controller [0c03]: Apple Inc. K2 KeyLargo USB 
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci
lspci -knn: 0001:01:09.0 USB controller [0c03]: Apple Inc. K2 KeyLargo USB 
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci
lspci -knn: 0001:02:0d.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Apple Inc. K2 ATA/100 
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: pata-pci-macio
lspci -knn: 0001:02:0e.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394) [0c00]: Apple Inc. K2 FireWire 
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Apple Inc. Device [106b:5811]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: firewire_ohci
lspci -knn: 0001:03:0f.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Apple Inc. K2 GMAC (Sun 
GEM) [106b:004c]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: gem
lspci -knn: 0001:04:0c.0 IDE interface [0101]: Broadcom K2 SATA [1166:0240]
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Broadcom K2 SATA [1166:0240]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: sata_svw
lspci -knn: 0001:05:01.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Inc. and 
subsidiaries BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4320] (rev 03)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Apple Inc. Device [106b:004e]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge
lspci -knn: 0001:05:0b.0 USB controller [0c03]: NEC Corporation OHCI USB 
Controller [1033:0035] (rev 43)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: NEC Corporation OHCI USB Controller [1033:0035]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci
lspci -knn: 0001:05:0b.1 USB controller [0c03]: NEC Corporation OHCI USB 
Controller [1033:0035] (rev 43)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: NEC Corporation OHCI USB Controller [1033:0035]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci
lspci -knn: 0001:05:0b.2 USB controller [0c03]: NEC Corporation uPD72010x USB 
2.0 Controller [1033:00e0] (rev 04)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: NEC Corporation uPD72010x USB 2.0 Controller 
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ehci-pci
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 01: EHCI Host Controller [1d6b:0002]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 5.5.0-2-powerpc64 ehci_hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 03: USB DISK 3.0 [13fe:6300]
usb-list:    Level 01 Parent 01 Port 02  Class 00(>ifc ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer:         
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 08(mstor) Subclass 06 Protocol 50 Driver 
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 04: USB DISK 3.0 [0409:005a]
usb-list:    Level 01 Parent 01 Port 03  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 01
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 05: USB DISK 3.0 [0557:8021]
usb-list:    Level 02 Parent 04 Port 03  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 06: Macally iKeySlim [2222:0013]
usb-list:    Level 03 Parent 05 Port 00  Class 00(>ifc ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Macally iKeySlim
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 03(HID  ) Subclass 01 Protocol 01 Driver usbhid
usb-list:    Interface 01: Class 03(HID  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver usbhid
usb-list:    Interface 02: Class 03(HID  ) Subclass 01 Protocol 02 Driver usbhid
usb-list: Bus 02 Device 01: OHCI PCI host controller [1d6b:0001]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 5.5.0-2-powerpc64 ohci_hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
usb-list: Bus 03 Device 01: OHCI PCI host controller [1d6b:0001]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 5.5.0-2-powerpc64 ohci_hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
usb-list: Bus 04 Device 01: OHCI PCI host controller [1d6b:0001]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 5.5.0-2-powerpc64 ohci_hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
usb-list: Bus 05 Device 01: OHCI PCI host controller [1d6b:0001]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 5.5.0-2-powerpc64 ohci_hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver hub
lsmod: Module                  Size  Used by
lsmod: ufs                   112826  0
lsmod: qnx4                   14779  0
lsmod: minix                  52942  0
lsmod: msdos                  14976  0
lsmod: fuse                  181821  0
lsmod: hfsplus               152650  0
lsmod: dm_mod                202953  6
lsmod: md_mod                220419  0
lsmod: xfs                  1837402  0
lsmod: jfs                   281709  0
lsmod: hfs                    90028  1
lsmod: btrfs                1894482  0
lsmod: xor                    13831  1 btrfs
lsmod: zstd_decompress        93518  1 btrfs
lsmod: raid6_pq              163417  1 btrfs
lsmod: zstd_compress         210379  1 btrfs
lsmod: libcrc32c               2578  2 btrfs,xfs
lsmod: ext4                  984230  1
lsmod: crc16                   2234  1 ext4
lsmod: mbcache                10810  1 ext4
lsmod: jbd2                  158175  1 ext4
lsmod: crc32c_generic          4307  3
lsmod: b43                   537007  0
lsmod: cordic                  2243  1 b43
lsmod: bcma                   75134  1 b43
lsmod: mac80211             1099499  1 b43
lsmod: cfg80211             1014377  2 b43,mac80211
lsmod: rfkill                 35077  1 cfg80211
lsmod: ssb                   112915  1 b43
lsmod: mmc_core              216693  2 b43,ssb
lsmod: rng_core               15414  1 b43
lsmod: pcmcia                 80407  1 ssb
lsmod: pcmcia_core            29899  1 pcmcia
lsmod: libarc4                 1893  1 mac80211
lsmod: nls_ascii               6145  0
lsmod: nls_cp437               7681  0
lsmod: vfat                   19865  0
lsmod: fat                   110377  2 msdos,vfat
lsmod: sata_svw               13804  4
lsmod: sungem                 64130  0
lsmod: sungem_phy             18605  1 sungem
lsmod: nls_utf8                3327  0
lsmod: isofs                 116736  0
lsmod: firewire_sbp2          24922  0
lsmod: sd_mod                 65772  6
lsmod: hid_generic             3653  0
lsmod: usbhid                 70610  0
lsmod: hid                   161544  2 usbhid,hid_generic
lsmod: uas                    25319  0
lsmod: usb_storage            79861  1 uas
lsmod: windfarm_smu_sat        9650  0
lsmod: windfarm_cpufreq_clamp     4393  0
lsmod: windfarm_pm72          15813  0
lsmod: windfarm_pid            3512  1 windfarm_pm72
lsmod: windfarm_max6690_sensor     5112  0
lsmod: windfarm_lm75_sensor     5862  0
lsmod: windfarm_ad7417_sensor     8523  0
lsmod: windfarm_fcu_controls    14019  0
lsmod: windfarm_core          13757  7 
lsmod: ata_generic             6199  0
lsmod: firewire_ohci          68641  0
lsmod: ohci_pci                8985  0
lsmod: firewire_core         104189  2 firewire_ohci,firewire_sbp2
lsmod: crc_itu_t               2238  1 firewire_core
lsmod: sr_mod                 29655  0
lsmod: cdrom                  68608  1 sr_mod
lsmod: ehci_pci                8753  0
lsmod: ohci_hcd              105990  1 ohci_pci
lsmod: ehci_hcd              137294  1 ehci_pci
lsmod: usbcore               380630  7 
lsmod: usb_common             13014  3 ohci_hcd,usbcore,ehci_hcd
df: Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
df: tmpfs                   406848      2304    404544   1% /run
df: devtmpfs               1881728         0   1881728   0% /dev
df: /dev/sdc3            235283576   1130776 222131392   1% /target
df: /dev/sdc3            235283576   1130776 222131392   1% /dev/.static/dev
df: devtmpfs               1881728         0   1881728   0% /target/dev
df: /dev/sdc2               124990      6522    118468   5% /target/boot/grub
free:               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   
free: Mem:        4068224      259584     1133120      305152     2675520     
free: Swap:       3972800           0     3972800
/proc/cmdline: BOOT_IMAGE=/install/vmlinux --- quiet
/proc/cpuinfo: processor        : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu              : PPC970FX, altivec supported
/proc/cpuinfo: clock            : 2000.000000MHz
/proc/cpuinfo: revision : 3.0 (pvr 003c 0300)
/proc/cpuinfo: processor        : 1
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu              : PPC970FX, altivec supported
/proc/cpuinfo: clock            : 2000.000000MHz
/proc/cpuinfo: revision : 3.0 (pvr 003c 0300)
/proc/cpuinfo: timebase : 33333333
/proc/cpuinfo: platform : PowerMac
/proc/cpuinfo: model            : PowerMac7,3
/proc/cpuinfo: machine          : PowerMac7,3
/proc/cpuinfo: motherboard      : PowerMac7,3 MacRISC4 Power Macintosh 
/proc/cpuinfo: detected as      : 336 (PowerMac G5)
/proc/cpuinfo: pmac flags       : 00000000
/proc/cpuinfo: L2 cache : 512K unified
/proc/cpuinfo: pmac-generation  : NewWorld
/proc/device-tree/model: PowerMac7,3/proc/ioports: 00010000-0080ffff : 
/proc/ioports:   00010400-000104ff : 0000:f0:10.0
/proc/ioports: 00820000-00c1ffff : ht@0,f2000000
/proc/ioports:   00820000-00820fff : Legacy IO
/proc/iomem: 00000000-7fffffff : System RAM
/proc/iomem: 80000000-8fffffff : ht@0,f2000000
/proc/iomem:   80000000-800fffff : PCI Bus 0001:01
/proc/iomem:     80000000-8007ffff : 0001:01:07.0
/proc/iomem:       80000000-8007ffff : 0.80000000:mac-io
/proc/iomem:         8000002c-8000002f : 0.0000004c:fans
/proc/iomem:         80000030-80000033 : 0.0000004c:fans
/proc/iomem:         80000034-80000037 : 0.0000004c:fans
/proc/iomem:         8000004c-8000004f : 0.0000004c:fans
/proc/iomem:         80000050-8000008a : 0.00000050:gpio
/proc/iomem:         80008000-800083ff : 0.00010000:i2s
/proc/iomem:         80010000-80010fff : 0.00010000:i2s
/proc/iomem:         80013000-80013000 : 0.00013000:ch-b
/proc/iomem:           80013000-80013000 : pmac_zilog
/proc/iomem:         80013010-80013010 : 0.00013000:ch-b
/proc/iomem:           80013010-80013010 : pmac_zilog
/proc/iomem:         80013020-80013020 : 0.00013020:ch-a
/proc/iomem:           80013020-80013020 : pmac_zilog
/proc/iomem:         80013030-80013030 : 0.00013020:ch-a
/proc/iomem:           80013030-80013030 : pmac_zilog
/proc/iomem:         80013040-80013040 : 0.00013000:ch-b
/proc/iomem:           80013040-80013040 : pmac_zilog
/proc/iomem:         80013050-80013050 : 0.00013020:ch-a
/proc/iomem:           80013050-80013050 : pmac_zilog
/proc/iomem:         80015000-80015fff : 0.00015000:timer
/proc/iomem:         80016000-80017fff : 0.00016000:via-pmu
/proc/iomem:         80018000-80018fff : 0.00018000:i2c
/proc/iomem:         80040000-8007ffff : 0.00040000:mpic
/proc/iomem:     80080000-80080fff : 0001:01:09.0
/proc/iomem:       80080000-80080fff : ohci_hcd
/proc/iomem:     80081000-80081fff : 0001:01:08.0
/proc/iomem:       80081000-80081fff : ohci_hcd
/proc/iomem:   80100000-801fffff : PCI Bus 0001:02
/proc/iomem:     80100000-80100fff : 0001:02:0e.0
/proc/iomem:       80100000-80100fff : firewire_ohci
/proc/iomem:     80104000-80107fff : 0001:02:0d.0
/proc/iomem:       80104000-80107fff : pata-macio
/proc/iomem:   80200000-805fffff : PCI Bus 0001:03
/proc/iomem:     80200000-802fffff : 0001:03:0f.0
/proc/iomem:     80400000-805fffff : 0001:03:0f.0
/proc/iomem:       80400000-805fffff : sungem
/proc/iomem:   80600000-806fffff : PCI Bus 0001:04
/proc/iomem:     80600000-80601fff : 0001:04:0c.0
/proc/iomem:       80600000-80601fff : sata_svw
/proc/iomem:   80700000-807fffff : PCI Bus 0001:05
/proc/iomem:     80700000-807000ff : 0001:05:0b.2
/proc/iomem:       80700000-807000ff : ehci_hcd
/proc/iomem:     80701000-80701fff : 0001:05:0b.1
/proc/iomem:       80701000-80701fff : ohci_hcd
/proc/iomem:     80702000-80702fff : 0001:05:0b.0
/proc/iomem:       80702000-80702fff : ohci_hcd
/proc/iomem:     80704000-80705fff : 0001:05:01.0
/proc/iomem:       80704000-80705fff : b43-pci-bridge
/proc/iomem: 90000000-9fffffff : pci@0,f0000000
/proc/iomem:   90000000-9000ffff : 0000:f0:10.0
/proc/iomem:   90020000-9003ffff : 0000:f0:10.0
/proc/iomem:   98000000-9fffffff : 0000:f0:10.0
/proc/iomem:     98008000-98147fff : offb
/proc/iomem:     9c008000-9c09dfff : offb
/proc/iomem: a0000000-efffffff : ht@0,f2000000
/proc/iomem: f1000000-f1ffffff : pci@0,f0000000
/proc/iomem: fa000000-ffffffff : ht@0,f2000000
/proc/iomem: 100000000-17fffffff : System RAM
/proc/interrupts:            CPU0       CPU1       
/proc/interrupts:  16:      48509     147164   MPIC 2      0 Level     keywest 
/proc/interrupts:  17:      22298      66280   MPIC 1      0 Level     
/proc/interrupts:  25:          2          2   MPIC 1     25 Level     VIA-PMU
/proc/interrupts:  26:          0          2   MPIC 1     26 Level     keywest 
/proc/interrupts:  27:          1          0   MPIC 1     27 Level     
/proc/interrupts:  28:          0          1   MPIC 1     28 Level     
/proc/interrupts:  39:        831       2522   MPIC 1     39 Level     
/proc/interrupts:  40:          0          1   MPIC 1     40 Level     
/proc/interrupts:  41:       6854      19963   MPIC 1     41 Level     
/proc/interrupts:  47:          0          0   MPIC 1     47 Level     GPIO1 ADB
/proc/interrupts:  63:       1721       5645   MPIC 1     63 Level     
ehci_hcd:usb1, ohci_hcd:usb4, ohci_hcd:usb5
/proc/interrupts: 251:      34308      12946   MPIC 1    251 Edge      ipi call 
/proc/interrupts: 252:     217835     149589   MPIC 1    252 Edge      ipi 
/proc/interrupts: 253:          0          0   MPIC 1    253 Edge      ipi 
/proc/interrupts: 254:          0          0   MPIC 1    254 Edge      nmi ipi
/proc/interrupts: LOC:     178989     184873   Local timer interrupts for timer 
event device
/proc/interrupts: BCT:          0          0   Broadcast timer interrupts for 
timer event device
/proc/interrupts: LOC:         31         20   Local timer interrupts for others
/proc/interrupts: SPU:     194909     260298   Spurious interrupts
/proc/interrupts: PMI:          0          0   Performance monitoring interrupts
/proc/interrupts: MCE:          0          0   Machine check exceptions
/proc/interrupts: HMI:          0          0   Hypervisor Maintenance Interrupts
/proc/interrupts: NMI:          0          0   System Reset interrupts
/proc/interrupts: WDG:       6355       6266   Watchdog soft-NMI interrupts
/proc/meminfo: MemTotal:        4068224 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemFree:         1131392 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemAvailable:    3603392 kB
/proc/meminfo: Buffers:           17280 kB
/proc/meminfo: Cached:          2658240 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapCached:            0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active:          1010816 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive:        1701760 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(anon):     283520 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(anon):    58624 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(file):     727296 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(file):  1643136 kB
/proc/meminfo: Unevictable:           0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mlocked:               0 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapTotal:       3972800 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapFree:        3972800 kB
/proc/meminfo: Dirty:              1024 kB
/proc/meminfo: Writeback:             0 kB
/proc/meminfo: AnonPages:         39552 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mapped:             7104 kB
/proc/meminfo: Shmem:            305152 kB
/proc/meminfo: KReclaimable:     139648 kB
/proc/meminfo: Slab:             183616 kB
/proc/meminfo: SReclaimable:     139648 kB
/proc/meminfo: SUnreclaim:        43968 kB
/proc/meminfo: KernelStack:        1472 kB
/proc/meminfo: PageTables:         1024 kB
/proc/meminfo: NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Bounce:                0 kB
/proc/meminfo: WritebackTmp:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: CommitLimit:     6006912 kB
/proc/meminfo: Committed_AS:     346880 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocTotal:   549755813888 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocUsed:       17216 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocChunk:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Percpu:             1792 kB
/proc/meminfo: HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
/proc/meminfo: AnonHugePages:         0 kB
/proc/meminfo: ShmemHugePages:        0 kB
/proc/meminfo: ShmemPmdMapped:        0 kB
/proc/meminfo: FileHugePages:         0 kB
/proc/meminfo: FilePmdMapped:         0 kB
/proc/meminfo: CmaTotal:         212992 kB
/proc/meminfo: CmaFree:          212992 kB
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Total:       0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Free:        0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Rsvd:        0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Surp:        0
/proc/meminfo: Hugepagesize:      16384 kB
/proc/meminfo: Hugetlb:               0 kB
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0019 Vendor=0001 Product=0001 Version=0100
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="PMU"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/input/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=kbd 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=23
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=10000000000000 0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: SW=1
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0003 Vendor=2222 Product=0013 Version=0110
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="Macally iKeySlim Macally iKeySlim"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=usb-0001:05:0b.2-4.4.1/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: 
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=sysrq kbd leds 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=120013
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=1000000000007 ff9f207ac14057ff febeffdfffefffff 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: LED=7
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0003 Vendor=2222 Product=0013 Version=0110
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="Macally iKeySlim Macally iKeySlim Consumer 
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=usb-0001:05:0b.2-4.4.1/input1
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: 
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=kbd 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=13
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=1000000000000000 0 1000000010000 17a00000000 
e000000000000 0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0003 Vendor=2222 Product=0013 Version=0110
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="Macally iKeySlim Macally iKeySlim Mouse"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=usb-0001:05:0b.2-4.4.1/input1
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: 
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=mouse2 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=17
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=70000 0 0 0 0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: REL=903
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0003 Vendor=2222 Product=0013 Version=0110
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="Macally iKeySlim Macally iKeySlim"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=usb-0001:05:0b.2-4.4.1/input2
/proc/bus/input/devices: S: 
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=mouse3 
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=17
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=1f0000 0 0 0 0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: REL=903
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10

-- System Information:
Debian Release: bullseye/sid
  APT prefers unreleased
  APT policy: (500, 'unreleased'), (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: ppc64

Kernel: Linux 5.5.0-2-powerpc64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Kernel taint flags: TAINT_UNSIGNED_MODULE
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), 
LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

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