Package: installation-reports  
Debian-installer-version: Debian Installer Beta4 CD-ROM mini-iso image  
(Pure network install)  
uname -a: Linux sara2 2.4.26-sparc64 #1 Sat Apr 24 01:43:10 EDT 2004  
sparc64 GNU/Linux  
Date: 7th May 2004  
Method: Booted sistem from CD-ROM and then proceeded with network  
install from Debian german mirror., loaded d-i modules, etc.  
Machine: Sun Ultra1 Sbus  
Processor: UltraSparc sparc64 167 Mhz  
Memory: 128 MB  
Root Device: SCSI IBM 2.1 GB  
Root Size/partition table:  Feel free to paste the full partition  
      table, with notes on which partitions are mounted where.  
Output of lspci and lspci -n: no pci bus on the system, sbus  
Base System Installation Checklist:  
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it  
Initial boot worked:    [E]  
Configure network HW:   [O]  
Config network:         [O]  
Detect CD:              [E]  
Load installer modules: [O]  
Detect hard drives:     [O]  
Partition hard drives:  [O]  
Create file systems:    [E]  
Mount partitions:       [O]  
Install base system:    [O]  
Install boot loader:    [O]  
Reboot:                 [O]  
Needed to set 'ramdisk_size=8192 debian-installer/framebuffer=false'  
boot parameters.   
CD-ROM drive could not be detected because of modprobe not being able  
to load modules for sparc64 architecture. As a   
workaround I used mini-iso image for pure network install :)  
While creating filesystem on a partition I didn't have xfs filesystem  
as a choice. But I noticed the xfsprogs package (at   
least mkfs.xfs).  
While testing daily build I noticed error while partitionig, to many  
primary partitions or something. Partman could only create one root  
partition of about 750 MB, this doesn't happen with Beta 4 of Debian  
Installer. Problem seems to disappear after I accept this layout to be  
written and start d-i again and reformatting the drive by creating  
newe partition table.  
Install logs and other status info is available  
in /var/log/debian-installer/.  
Once you have filled out this report, mail it to  
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