package: debootstrap
severity: minor
tags: patch


 --unpack-tarball option doesn't recognize tar.gz

> $ sudo debootstrap --unpack-tarball=/home/henrich/tmp/debootstrap.tar.gz sid 
> sid
> E: Unknown tarball: must be either .tar or .tgz

 And here's a proposed patch.
diff --git a/debootstrap b/debootstrap
index f67326c..1934f59 100755
--- a/debootstrap
+++ b/debootstrap
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ usage()
       --no-resolve-deps      don't try to resolve dependencies automatically
       --unpack-tarball=T     acquire .debs from a tarball instead of http
-      --make-tarball=T       download .debs and create a tarball (tgz format)
+      --make-tarball=T       download .debs and create a tarball
                              Run second stage in a subdirectory instead of root
                                (can be used to create a foreign chroot)
@@ -577,10 +577,12 @@ if [ "$UNPACK_TARBALL" ]; then
        if [ "${UNPACK_TARBALL%.tar}" != "$UNPACK_TARBALL" ]; then
                (cd "$TARGET" && tar -xf "$UNPACK_TARBALL")
+       elif [ "${UNPACK_TARBALL%.tar.[g|x]z}" != "$UNPACK_TARBALL" ]; then
+               (cd "$TARGET" && tar -xf "$UNPACK_TARBALL")
        elif [ "${UNPACK_TARBALL%.tgz}" != "$UNPACK_TARBALL" ]; then
                (cd "$TARGET" && zcat "$UNPACK_TARBALL" | tar -xf -)
-               error 1 NOTTAR "Unknown tarball: must be either .tar or .tgz"
+               error 1 NOTTAR "Unknown tarball: must be .tar.[gz,xz], .tar or 

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