Package: installation-reports

Package: installation-reports

Boot method:  cd1 was booted from usb (dd .iso to a memory stick and verify

Image version: Wheezy release cd1:

Date: 5 May 0500 2013
Machine: Sony vaio nw11s
Processor: T6500 (intel core 2 duo 2x 2.1Ghz)
Memory: 4gb DDR2 @ 800Mhz
Graphics card: AMD 4570
Filesystem                       Type     1K-blocks     Used Available Use%
Mounted on
rootfs                           rootfs   113322664 26480632  81085516  25%
udev                             devtmpfs     10240        0     10240   0%
tmpfs                            tmpfs       403004      868    402136   1%
/dev/mapper/volumegrp01-volume02 ext4     113322664 26480632  81085516  25%
tmpfs                            tmpfs         5120        0      5120   0%
tmpfs                            tmpfs       806000     1052    804948   1%
/dev/sda3                        ext4        208248    27080    170416  14%

Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn):

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O ]
Detect network card:    [O ]
Configure network:      [ O]
Detect CD:              [ O]
Load installer modules: [O ]
Detect hard drives:     [O ]
Partition hard drives:  [ O]
Install base system:    [ E]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O ]
User/password setup:    [ O]
Install tasks:          [O ]
Install boot loader:    [O ]
Overall install:        [ O]

Comments/Problems: The system detected drives correctly. However after the
install I was unable to mount any external drives (ntfs), ("Error: rebuild
ntfs-3g with FUSE support and setup setuid root").
The memory stick i used to install the system was written to fstab (see
"fstab.output") (something that has not happened when  squeeze was
installed on the same system). Commenting out the external drive (which was
used for the install) fixes this problem.
find attached "lspci" as ouput of lspci -knn

Steps followed to install:
1- create 120GB unallocated space on drive
2- partition as /boot and lvm Debian 7 was installed with a \boot partition
and an encrypted LVM partition for / and /home(boot as primary, the
remainder as logical).
3- install grub to /boot

Attachment: fstab.output
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lspci.output
Description: Binary data

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