> I quickly browsed around a bit. The killall() function in
> gateone/utils.py looks kind of scary. It seems to kill all processes
> that contain python and gateone.py in their name. This should match
> "emacs -nw python.txt gateone.py" and might be a mild security issue
> too:


> for session in sessions: > if session in cmdline: > try: > os.kill(pid,
signal.SIGTERM) > except OSError: > pass # PID is already dead--great >
elif 'python' in cmdline: > if 'gateone.py' in cmdline: > try: >
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) > except OSError: > pass # PID is already
dead--great > Perhaps gateone could use cgroups?

I am the author of Gate One.  You know what would be great?  If you
reported this issue!  ;)

I just pushed a commit to the Github repo (
https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne) to make the killall function a _lot_
more explicit.  However, like you said it probably wouldn't have been much
of an issue in the real world (no reports of, "gateone.py killed my emacs
session!" yet =).

I'll see if I can make a 1.2 or 1.1.1 release soon with the fix included.

Please let me know if you encounter anything else like this.  Also, it
doesn't hurt to open an issue in the tracker (next time =):

Dan McDougall - Chief Executive Officer and Developer
Liftoff Software ✈ Your flight to the cloud is now boarding.

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