On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 3:57 AM, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> With the upgrade from 3.5.2-3 to 3.5.2-4 all locally installed plugins
>> aren't loaded anymore, while they appear in the "Installed Software"
>> tab. Neither uninstall/install of the plugins nor an clean ~.eclipse/
>> and ~/workspace folder solves the problem.
>> ~/workspace/.metadata/.log is empty.
>> Please let me know if I can provide any further information.
> Can you please provide the contents of [1] from your original ~/.eclipse
> (if you still have it) and the one generated when start eclipse with a
> clean ~/.eclipse.
> [1]
> ator/bundles.info

Same problem encountered, and I just solved my problem temporarly.
As pointed out by Niels, I made a quick diff of these two .info file and it
turned out to be the problem of org.eclipse.equinox.concurrent. Previously,
this package's location was at:


a jar under local plugin directory, I don't know why it went there but it
must be there for reason. After modifed the path to the newly generated


then every plugin works fine.

This solves my problem, but it may also means something to Hannes's

Best regards!
Vincent Gu  <lis...@gmail.com>

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