On 28/02/11 23:15, Kushal Koolwal wrote:
> I was about to write a long post on how to get the Poulsbo driver
> working (with 3D) on Debian Squeeze using the native sources (non
> EMGD) but I guess I will hold on to that (for now) since the kernel
> component is in the staging trees.
> I guess once those are stabilized in the kernel, we should be able to
> do a xserver-xorg-video-psb package for Debian which was the original
> intend for this bug report over 20  months ago -:)

How is that going? Is the kernel component stabilised now?

This bug is still open, and with modern desktop environments such as
GNOME 3, the lack of 3D with gma500 chipsets is becoming a problem.

Also, meanwhile, any workaround to achieve than (you mentionned it's
possible) is welcome.


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