R,umor N_e.w+s+: On col.ogy M'e-d-. I+n*c+. (OTC_: ON,CO) a Can_cer Tre.atme nt Solu.tio+ns Gr,oup is s-a+i,d to h+a.v-e experien*c.ed o,v.e.r a 1000_% inc'reas_e in re.venu+es f*o'r t*h_e fi_scal 3_r+d qu*arter en_ding J+u l*y,, 2-0.0_7 compa',red w_i+t.h t-h*e prio,r y*e a+r whil-e fisc+al four_th qu*arter resul*ts f*o-r 2_0 0,7 a-r*e on t_rack to e*xceed t_h i-s year’,s th-ird qu arter r'esults.

O*N_C+O add .itionally pla'ns to increa*s e serv.ice of'feri.ngs w.hich a r+e cur,rent ly u*nderway+.
D,on’t w'a-i,t f o+r t+h,e n+e'w+s to c-o*m'e o.u_t a-n*d l*o,s*e t*h.e 
op*po.rtunity to g,e_t in fron-t of the
g eneral in*vesti+ng public*. O-ncol ogy M'e*d is in a mu'ltibi'llion doll-ar i+n.dustry w*h-e-r,e t,h+e'y a*r*e ga.ining mar+ket s'hare rap'idly.

C-a'l'l y_o+u.r b.roker n*o.w f.o-r O_N-C_O*.

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