Ru,mor N*e,w_s : Onc'+ology M'e+d.. I'n,c,. (OT.C: ON*CO) a Can+cer Treatm en't Solutio-n*s Gr-oup is s a.i+d to h*a*v_e exp_eri_enced o_v-e+r a 10-00% in'c-rease in r'eve*nues f+o.r t*h-e fisca,l 3*r.d quar,ter endi*ng J'u l*y.,
2 0 0 7 comp_ar+ed w i+t,h t+h_e pri,or y*e+a-r w*hile fis_cal f.ourth q.uarter 
re.sults f.o,r 2,0 0'7 a r-e on

tra_ck to exce*ed t h*i,s ye-ar’s thir.d q_uarter res_ults.

O+N_C*O addition''ally pl ans to inc+reas e serv*ice off-e-rings w-hich a-r*e curr_entl_y un+derway,.
Don+’t w'a'i+t f.o-r t_h_e n'e.w_s to c*o*m e o*u t a.n d l'o s,e t h_e 
opportuni-t+y to g-e*t in fron_t of the
gene'ral inv'estin*g public . O-n,cology M'e.d is in a m ultibillio_n dol+lar i ndustr'y w+h e'r'e t+h,e+y a,r,e gaini,ng mar.ket sha_re rapidly,.

C.a l,l y o-u_r brok er n+o'w f'o_r O-N.C_O..

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